
If my heart were with me, I would choose none but you,

لو كان قلبي معي ما اخترت غيركم

1. If my heart were with me, I would choose none but you,
Nor would I accept any but you as the one I love;

١. لَو كانَ قَلبي مَعي ما اِختَرتُ غَيرُكُمُ
وَلا رَضيتُ سِواكُم في الهَوى بَدَلا

2. But it takes pleasure in one who torments it,
So it will not accept blame or reproach.

٢. لَكِنَّهُ راغِبٌ في مَن يُعَذِّبُهُ
فَلَيسَ يَقبَلُ لا لَوماً وَلا عَذَلا