1. The times have extended their reach to me
And fought against me, and saw what alarmed them
١. مَدَّت إِلَيَّ الحادِثاتُ باعَها
وَحارَبَتني فَرَأَت ما راعَها
2. O times of fate, rest and retire
For my resolve has uncovered their masks
٢. يا حادِثاتِ الدَهرِ قُرّي وَاِهجَعي
فَهِمَّتي قَد كَشَفَت قِناعَها
3. I did not tread the land of enemies at dawn
Except the torrent of blood watered its expanse
٣. ما دُستُ في أَرضِ العُداةِ غُدوَةً
إِلّا سَقى سَيلُ الدِما بِقاعَها
4. Woe to gray hair when I wake it up
And the eggs of darkness send out their rays
٤. وَيلٌ لِشَيبانٍ إِذا صَبَّحتُها
وَأَرسَلَت بيضُ الظُبى شُعاعَها
5. My spear plunged into their midst and marched on
Shattering their ribs along with their armor
٥. وَخاضَ رُمحي في حَشاها وَغَدا
يَشُكُّ مَع دُروعِها أَضلاعَها
6. And their women became keeners
For men whose quarreling they complain of
٦. وَأَصبَحَت نِساؤُها نَوادِباً
عَلى رِجالٍ تَشتَكي نِزاعَها
7. Hot is my breath when it meets
On the day we part, a boulder blocking its path
٧. وَحَرُّ أَنفاسي إِذا ما قابَلَت
يَومَ الفِراقِ صَخرَةً أَماعَها
8. O nights, how the ravens of separation croak
My heart is tired of hearing them in the darkness
٨. يا عَبلَ كَم تَنعَقُ غِربانُ الفَلا
قَد مَلَّ قَلبي في الدُجى سَماعَها
9. I left ruins wherein is a band
That has cut off from my company its hopes
٩. فارَقتُ أَطلالاً وَفيها عُصبَةٌ
قَد قَطَّعَت مِن صُحبَتي أَطماعَها