
Oh messenger of distance through the sky

ألا يا غراب البين في الطيران

1. Oh messenger of distance through the sky
Lend me your wings, for I have lost my family

١. أَلا يا غُرابَ البَينِ في الطَيَرانِ
أَعِرني جَناحاً قَد عَدِمتُ بَناني

2. Tell me, did you know of Malik's death today
And his fall into disgrace and dishonor?

٢. تُرى هَل عَلِمتَ اليَومَ مَقتَلَ مالِكٍ
وَمَصرَعَهُ في ذِلَّةٍ وَهَوانِ

3. If this be true, then for his loss, the stars
Will fade and the twin moons will lose their luster

٣. فَإِن كانَ حَقّاً فَالنُجومُ لِفَقدِهِ
تَغيبُ وَيَهوي بَعدَهُ القَمَرانِ

4. That was a day as black as darkest night
Fearing its harm, grey dawn stayed hidden

٤. لَقَد كانَ يَوماً أَسوَدَ اللَيلِ عابِساً
يَخافُ بَلاهُ طارِقُ الحَدَثانِ

5. God bless the eyes that saw the likes of Malik
Pillar of his tribe, foremost among horsemen

٥. فَلِلَّهِ عَينا مَن رَأى مِثلَ مالِكٍ
عَقيرَةَ قَومٍ أَن جَرى فَرَسانِ

6. Would that they had not raced halfway
Would that they had not sent to place their bets

٦. فَلَيتَهُما لَم يَجرِيا نِصفَ غَلوَةٍ
وَلَيتَهُما لَم يُرسِلا لِرَهانِ

7. Would that both had died in a single town
While Qays missed them, and they went unseen

٧. وَلَيتَهُما ماتا جَميعاً بِبَلدَةٍ
وَأَخطاهُما قَيسٌ فَلا يُرَيانِ

8. They brought much war and great calamity
To waste away the chiefs of Ghatfan's clan

٨. لَقَد جَلَبا حَيناً وَحَرباً عَظيمَةً
تَبيدُ سَراةَ القَومِ مِن غَطَفانِ

9. They brought the day of Malik's death, that prince
Proud and glorious midst warriors' ranks

٩. وَقَد جَلَبا حَيناً لِمَصرَعِ مالِكٍ
وَكانَ كَريماً ماجِداً لِهِجانِ

10. To Hijaz tribes he brought protecting wings
Spearing all challengers in times of war

١٠. وَكانَ لَدى الهَيجاءِ يَحمي ذِمارَها
وَيَطعَنُ عِندَ الكَرِّ كُلِّ طِعانِ

11. With him I stood when pressing foes drew near
Facing their onslaught with all my clan

١١. بِهِ كُنتُ أَسطو حينَما جَدَّتِ العِدا
غَداةَ اللَقا نَحوي بِكُلِّ يَماني

12. Now his loss has toppled my pillar of strength
Leaving my heart in constant trembling

١٢. فَقَد هَدَّ رُكني فَقدُهُ وَمُصابُهُ
وَخَلّى فُؤادي دائِمَ الخَفَقانِ

13. Alas how he fell from his noble steed
While my sword and spear were far from his hands

١٣. فَوا أَسَفا كَيفَ اِنثَنى عَن جَوادِهِ
وَما كانَ سَيفي عِندَهُ وَسِناني

14. An insistent archer struck the shaft of death
Would that he had struck me down instead!

١٤. رَماهُ بِسَهمِ المَوتِ رامٍ مُصَمِّمٌ
فَيا لَيتَهُ لَمّا رَماهُ رَماني

15. For you will see, if I survive this loss,
If time and age allow me living days

١٥. فَسَوفَ تَرى إِن كُنتُ بَعدَكَ باقِياً
وَأَمكَنَني دَهرٌ وَطَولُ زَمانِ

16. I swear if but a moment's glance remained
Your eyes would fill at the sight of me

١٦. وَأُقسِمُ حَقّاً لَو بَقيتَ لَنَظرَةٍ
لَقَرَّت بِها عَيناكَ حينَ تَراني