1. O abode, where have the dwellers gone
And after us, the ruins have become their home
١. يا دارُ أَينَ تَرَحَّلَ السُكّانُ
وَغَدَت بِهِم مِن بَعدِنا الأَظعانُ
2. Yesterday, the antelopes were your friends
And today, the crows are in your yards
٢. بِالأَمسِ كانَ بِكِ الظِباءُ أَوانِساً
وَاليَومَ في عَرَصاتِكِ الغِربانُ
3. O Abila's abode, where did its people camp
When they departed on their camels and were gone
٣. يا دارَ عَبلَةَ أَينَ خَيَّمَ قَومُها
لَمّا سَرَت بِهِمُ المَطيُّ وَبانوا
4. The sandy plains weep, and so do the thickets
For the solitude that befell these ruins
٤. ناحَت خَميلاتُ الأَراكِ وَقَد بَكى
مِن وَحشَةٍ نَزَلَت عَلَيهِ البانُ
5. O abode, the souls of homes are their people
So when they leave, their bodies weep and moan
٥. يا دارُ أَرواحُ المَنازِلِ أَهلُها
فَإِذا نَأَوا تَبكيهِمُ الأَبدانُ
6. My friend, ask the quarter of Abila, and try hard
If that abandoned neighborhood still has a tongue
٦. يا صاحِبي سَل رَبعَ عَبلَةَ وَاِجتَهِد
إِن كانَ لِلرَبعِ المُحيلِ لِسانُ
7. O Abila, the union lasted through nights
Until, after it, separation befell us
٧. يا عَبلَ ما دامَ الوِصالُ لَيالِياً
حَتّى دَهانا بَعدَهُ الهِجرانُ
8. I wish the homes would tell someone who asks
Where their people have settled with their clans
٨. لَيتَ المَنازِلَ أَخبَرَت مُستَخبِراً
أَينَ اِستَقَرَّ بِأَهلِها الأَوطانُ
9. O bird, you stay up grieving for your friends
Crying in bewilderment and all alone
٩. يا طائِراً قَد باتَ يَندُبُ إِلفَهُ
وَيَنوحُ وَهوَ مُوَلَّهٌ حَيرانُ
10. Had you been like me, you wouldn't wear motley
Of beauty, nor would branches sway with you
١٠. لَو كُنتَ مِثلي ما لَبِستَ مُلَوَّناً
حُسناً وَلا مالَت بِكَ الأَغصانُ
11. Where is the sincere, whose heart is filled
With the blazing fires of love and passion?
١١. أَينَ الخَلِيُّ القَلبِ مِمَّن قَلبُهُ
مِن حَرِّ نيرانِ الجَوى مَلآنُ
12. Show me your wing, and borrow my ever-flowing
Tears, so you can fly, asking of Abila
١٢. عِرني جَناحَكَ وَاِستَعِر دَمعي الَّذي
أَفنى وَلا يَفنى لَهُ جَرَيانُ
13. If one like me can ever take to flight
١٣. حَتّى أَطيرَ مُسائِلاً عَن عَبلَةٍ
إِن كانَ يُمكِنُ مِثلِيَ الطَيَرانُ