1. A heart not consoled by wine
A body not parted from sickness
١. فُؤادٌ لا يُسَلّيهِ المُدامُ
وَجِسمٌ لا يُفارِقُهُ السَقامُ
2. Eyelids that sleep ulcerated
Dripping blood when night falls
٢. وَأَجفانٌ تَبيتُ مُقَرَّحاتِ
تَسيلُ دَماً إِذا جَنَّ الظَلامُ
3. A belle whose voice pierced my heart
With a sound that pleases the lovesick heart
٣. وَهاتِفَةٌ شَجَت قَلبي بِصَوتٍ
يَلَذُّ بِهِ الفُؤادُ المُستَهامُ
4. I was preoccupied with the memory of Ubla from others
And I said to my friend, this is the purpose
٤. شُغِلتُ بِذِكرِ عَبلَةَ عَن سِواها
وَقُلتُ لِصاحِبي هَذا المَرامُ
5. And in the land of Hejaz are the tents of people
Where what is lawful to unite is unlawful
٥. وَفي أَرضِ الحِجازِ خِيامُ قَومٍ
حَلالُ الوَصلِ عِندَهُمُ حَرامُ
6. And between the domes of that neighborhood is a cheek
An unveiled one with no barriers
٦. وَبَينَ قِبابِ ذاكَ الحَيِّ خَودٌ
رَداحٌ لا يُماطُ لَها لِثامُ
7. Under her scarf she has eyes
Sick, though their eyelids are filled with kohl
٧. لَها مِن تَحتِ بُرقُعِها عُيونٌ
صِحاحٌ حَشوُ جَفنَيها سَقامُ
8. Between her lips is fragrant musk
And camphor mixed with wine
٨. وَبَينَ شِفاهِها مِسكٌ عَبيرٌ
وَكافورٌ يُمازِجهُ مُدامُ
9. Why should the full moon be perfect
And why should the branch have a tall stature
٩. فَما لِلبَدرِ إِن سَفَرَت كَمالٌ
وَما لِلغُصنِ إِن خَطَرَت قَوامُ
10. I delight in her love and ecstasy
And whoever falls in love, delights in passion
١٠. يَلُذُّ غَرامُها وَالوَجدُ عِندي
وَمَن يَعشَق يَلَذُّ لَهُ الغَرامُ
11. O Ubla, the enemies have triumphed
With my estrangement, now relieved and asleep
١١. أَلا يا عَبلَ قَد شَمِتَ الأَعادي
بِإِبعادي وَقَد أَمِنوا وَناموا
12. And I have faced in my journey such matters
That would turn white one who in the cradle is an infant
١٢. وَقَد لاقَيتُ في سَفَري أُموراً
تُشَيِّبُ مَن لَهُ في المَهدِ عامُ
13. And after hardship I have found ease
And a king that speech cannot encompass
١٣. وَبَعدَ العُسرِ قَد لاقَيتُ يُسراً
وَمَلكاً لا يُحيطُ بِهِ الكَلامُ
14. And a sultan over all the lands
His soldiers and time are his servants
١٤. وَسُلطاناً لَهُ كُلُّ البَرايا
جُنودٌ وَالزَمانُ لَهُ غُلامُ
15. His generosity overflows from his palms
We know not, is it an ocean or a cloud?
١٥. يَفيضُ عَطاؤُهُ مِن راحَتَيهِ
فَما نَدري أَبَحرٌ أَم غَمامُ
16. Over him the sun has shed its crown
So no darkness covers his features
١٦. وَقَد خَلَعَت عَلَيهِ الشَمسُ تاجاً
فَلا يَغشى مَعالِمَهُ ظَلامُ
17. His gems are the stars, and in him is a moon
The least of the attributes of his image is perfection
١٧. جَواهِرُهُ النُجومُ وَفيهِ بَدرٌ
أَقَلُّ صِفاتِ صورَتِهِ التَمامُ
18. The Neshe clan are his council seats
Above them and the heavens are his tents
١٨. بَنو نَعشٍ لِمَجلِسِهِ سَريرٌ
عَلَيها وَالسَماواتُ الخِيامُ
19. And were it not for his fear in every region
The swords would not be sheathed
١٩. وَلَولا خَوفُهُ في كُلِّ قُطرٍ
مِنَ الآفاقِ ما قَرَّ الحُسامُ
20. All people are one body and he is the soul
By him the joints and bones come alive
٢٠. جَميعُ الناسِ جِسمٌ وَهوَ روحٌ
بِهِ تَحيا المَفاصِلُ وَالعِظامُ
21. Toward him from every valley pray
The kings of earth and he is their imam
٢١. تُصَلّي نَحوَهُ مِن كُلِّ فَجٍّ
مُلوكُ الأَرضِ وَهوَ لَها إِمامُ
22. So stay, O Master of the two burdens, for the
Length of days as long as the pigeons moan
٢٢. فَدُم يا سَيِّدَ الثَقَلَينِ وَاِبقى
مَدى الأَيّامِ ما ناحَ الحَمامُ