
Alas, have they not been told that a day of raging

ألا هل أتاها أن يوم عراعر

1. Alas, have they not been told that a day of raging
Would heal an illness were the soul seeking healing?

١. أَلا هَل أَتاها أَنَّ يَومَ عُراعِرٍ
شَفى سَقَماً لَو كانَتِ النَفسُ تَشتَفي

2. Yet we came upon the blind ones in what they had gathered for us
With the bleating of neither fettered lambs nor unveiled women.

٢. فَجِئنا عَلى عَمياءَ ما جَمَعوا لَنا
بِأَرعَنَ لا خَلٍّ وَلا مُتَكَشِّفِ

3. They refused us when they were milking their camels
On the back of a weaner, one dismissed from command, scabby.

٣. تَمارَوا بِنا إِذ يَمدُرونَ حِياضَهُم
عَلى ظَهرِ مَقصِيٍّ مِنَ الأَمرِ مُحصَفُ

4. They did not vow until we entered their houses
With the stupidity of death, its weapon belts unencumbered.

٤. وَما نَذِروا حَتّى غَشَينا بُيوتَهُم
بِغَبيَةِ مَوتٍ مُسبَلِ الوَدقِ مُزعِفِ

5. So we remained overturning the honorable ones among them
And the guts of plump creatures made docile and cultivated.

٥. فَظَلنا نَكُرُّ المَشرَفِيَّةَ فيهِمُ
وَخُرصانَ لَدنِ السَمهَرِيِّ المُثَقَّفِ

6. Our illness on every miserable day
With our swords as the wounds had yet to heal.

٦. عُلالَتُنا في كُلِّ يَومٍ كَريهَةٍ
بِأَسيافِنا وَالقَرحُ لَم يَتَقَرَّفِ

7. We refused to grant equality to our enemy
While upright with the staves of well-being and cloaked.

٧. أَبَينا فَلا نُعطي السَواءَ عَدُوُّنا
قِياماً بِأَعضادِ السَراءِ المُعَطَّفِ

8. With every roar whose hoarseness was becoming
And arrows swift as the galloping Yemeni poet's output.

٨. بِكُلِّ هَتوفٍ عُجسُها رَضَوِيَّةٍ
وَسَهمٍ كَسَيرِ الحِميَرِيِّ المُؤَنَّفِ

9. And if honor remains firm in Ghatafan
We have in Kirman and Askof

٩. فَإِن يَكُ عِزٌّ في قُضاعَةَ ثابِتٌ
فَإِنَّ لَنا بِرَحرَحانَ وَأَسقُفِ

10. Regiments like the shooting stars above each regiment
A banner like the hovering bird's shadow wavering about.

١٠. كَتائِبَ شُهباً فَوقَ كُلِّ كَتيبَةٍ
لِواءٌ كَظِلِّ الطائِرِ المُتَصَرِّفِ

11. They left Mus'ud as if in his breast
Were the chill of a Yemeni coat of mail interlocking.

١١. وَغادَرنَ مَسعوداً كَأَنَّ بِنَحرِهِ
شَقيقَةَ بُردٍ مِن يَمانٍ مُفَوَّفِ