
Relieve my troubles and cure my ailments,

نفسوا كربي وداووا عللي

1. Relieve my troubles and cure my ailments,
And bring before me every mighty hero.

١. نَفِّسوا كَربي وَداوُوا عِلَلي
وَاِبرِزوا لي كُلَّ لَيثٍ بَطَلِ

2. Let them drink deep of the blade of my sword,
Bitter as aloe juice that's hard to swallow.

٢. وَاِنهَلوا مِن حَدِّ سَيفي جُرَعاً
مُرَّةً مِثلَ نَقيعِ الحَنظَلِ

3. And if death appears amidst the battlefield,
Then let me charge towards the fray.

٣. وَإِذا المَوتُ بَدا في جَحفَلٍ
فَدَعوني لِلِقاءِ الجَحفَلِ

4. O sons of Persia, why do you all shirk
From crossing swords with me today?

٤. يا بَني الأَعجامِ ما بالُكُم
عَن قِتالي كُلُّكُم في شُغُلِ

5. Where is he who sought to take my life?
He who wished to serve me death's fatal drink?

٥. أَينَ مَن كانَ لِقَتلي طالِباً
رامَ يَسقيني شَرابَ الأَجَلِ

6. Bring him forth and witness what meets
My spear beneath fate's balancing scales.

٦. أَبرِزوهُ وَاِنظُروا ما يَلتَقي
مِن سِناني تَحتَ ظِلِّ القَسطَلِ

7. By your oath, O Abla, sister mine,
By your soft cheeks and tempting dimples,

٧. قَسَماً يا عَبلَ يا أُختَ المَها
بِثَناياكِ العِذابِ القُبَلِ

8. By your eyes whose kohl enhances their allure,
Weaving a spell of magic everlasting,

٨. وَبِعَينَيكِ وَما قَد ضَمِنَت
مِن دَواهي سِحرِها وَالكَحَلِ

9. Without thoughts of you to haunt my dreams,
I'd not have tasted the bitterness of longing.

٩. إِنَّني لَولا خَيالٌ طارِقٌ
مِنكِ ما ذُقتُ هُجوعَ المُقَلِ

10. Do spirits of youth remind you still
Of my yearning for that home we once shared?

١٠. أَتُرى تُنبيكِ أَرواحُ الصَبا
بِاِشتِياقي نَحوَ ذاكَ المَنزِلِ

11. May God water the nights you spent
In clouds bursting with flooding rain.

١١. فَسَقى اللَهُ لَياليكِ الَّتي
سَلَفَت صَوبَ السَحابِ الهَطِلِ