
I blame fate, unmoved by blame,

أعاتب دهراَ لا يلين لعاتب

1. I blame fate, unmoved by blame,
And seek refuge from misfortunes' aim.

١. أُعاتِبُ دَهراً لا يَلينُ لِعاتِبِ
وَأَطلُبُ أَمناً مِن صُروفِ النَوائِبِ

2. Days promise and tempt in vain,
Though I know they promise falsely and cause pain.

٢. وَتوعِدُني الأَيّامُ وَعداً تَغُرُّني
وَأَعلَمُ حَقّاً أَنَّهُ وَعدُ كاذِبِ

3. I served and took as kin some folks,
For aid, but they became like scorpion-stings in cloaks.

٣. خَدَمتُ أُناساً وَاِتَّخَذتُ أَقارِباً
لِعَوني وَلَكِن أَصبَحوا كَالعَقارِبِ

4. They call me Ibn Zabeba in peace,
And son of brave knights when swords are unleashed.

٤. يُنادونَني في السِلمِ يا اِبنَ زَبيبَةٍ
وَعِندَ صِدامِ الخَيلِ يا اِبنَ الأَطايِبِ

5. But for passion I'd not have stooped so low,
Nor would the lion have bowed to jackals in its woe.

٥. وَلَولا الهَوى ما ذَلَّ مِثلي لِمِثلِهِم
وَلا خَضَعَت أُسدُ الفَلا لِلثَعالِبِ

6. My people will recall me when the horses neigh
And riders roam with them through the camps mid-day.

٦. سَيَذكُرُني قَومي إِذا الخَيلُ أَصبَحَت
تَجولُ بِها الفُرسانُ بَينَ المَضارِبِ

7. And if my people forget, swords and spears remind
Them of my deeds when stirring war I did find.

٧. فَإِن هُم نَسوني فَالصَوارِمُ وَالقَنا
تُذَكِّرُهُم فِعلي وَوَقعَ مَضارِبي

8. Would that fate unite me with loved ones,
As misfortunes it brings ever closer to my arms.

٨. فَيا لَيتَ أَنَّ الدَهرَ يُدني أَحِبَّتي
إِلَيَّ كَما يُدني إِلَيَّ مَصائِبي

9. Would that your phantom, O Ably, like a shooting star,
Pass by to see me and wet my eyes that softly spar.

٩. وَلَيتَ خَيالاً مِنكِ يا عَبلَ طارِقاً
يَرى فَيضَ جَفني بِالدُموعِ السَواكِبِ

10. I'll show patience till betrayal unveils its art,
And till patience overflows between my ribs athwart.

١٠. سَأَصبِرُ حَتّى تَطَّرِحني عَواذِلي
وَحَتّى يَضِجَّ الصَبرُ بَينَ جَوانِبي

11. Your abode's in heaven - its place is known.
While my reach falls short of stars that have grown.

١١. مَقامُكِ في جَوِّ السَماءِ مَكانُهُ
وَباعي قَصيرٌ عَن نَوالِ الكَواكِبِ