
When you meet the tribe of Bani Aban

إذا لاقيت جمع بني أبان

1. When you meet the tribe of Bani Aban
I blame the curly-haired one, not the smooth-skinned beauty

١. إِذا لاقَيتَ جَمعَ بَني أَبانٍ
فَإِنّي لائِمٌ لِلجَعدِ لاحي

2. As if the pointer of his two arms is a young mountain goat
Wandering between sand dunes in the wilderness

٢. كَأَنَّ مُؤَشَّرَ العَضُدَينِ حَجلاً
هَدوجاً بَينَ أَقلَبَةٍ مِلاحِ

3. He enjoyed my gifts then at daybreak
Hastened away without any farewell

٣. تَضَمَّنَ نِعمَتي فَغَدا عَلَيها
بُكوراً أَو تَعَجَّلَ في الرَواحِ

4. Don't you know, may God disfigure your face
I am very generous when I meet the spearmen

٤. أَلَم تَعلَم لَحاكَ اللَهُ أَنّي
أَجَمُّ إِذا لَقيتُ ذَوي الرِماحِ

5. I clothed the curly-haired one, the curly-haired one of Bani Aban
My weapons after being stripped naked and utterly disgraced

٥. كَسَوتُ الجَعدَ جَعدَ بَني أَبانٍ
سِلاحِيَ بَعدَ عُريٍ وَاِفتِضاحِ