1. For others than the eminent, be sparing of blame and blame-avoiding,
Were it not for the eminent, I would not covet life.
١. لِغَيرِ العُلا مِنّي القِلى وَالتَجَنُّبِ
وَلَولا العُلا ما كُنتُ في العَيشِ أَرغَبُ
2. By my sword I seized an opportunity of which the feeble-armed
Got less advantage from Time.
٢. مَلَكتُ بِسَيفي فُرصَةً ما اِستَفادَها
مِنَ الدَهرِ مَفتولُ الذِراعَينِ أَغلَبُ
3. If my palms fail to obey their wont,
Yet behind the palm is a heart full of resolution.
٣. لَئِن تَكُ كَفّي ما تُطاوِعُ باعَها
فَلي في وَراءِ الكَفِّ قَلبٌ مُذَرَّبُ
4. Forbearance has its seasons, and so has ignorance,
But my season is more inclined to forbearance.
٤. وَلِلحِلمِ أَوقاتٌ وَلِلجَهلِ مِثلُها
وَلَكِنَّ أَوقاتي إِلى الحِلمِ أَقرَبُ
5. I am noble to my tribesmen, and climb high;
The slanderers talk rubbish about me while I speak sense.
٥. أَصولُ عَلى أَبناءِ جِنسي وَأَرتَقي
وَيُعجِمُ فيَّ القائِلونَ وَأُعرِبُ
6. They see my patience as cowardice, which makes them wonder
That my great forbearance prevents me from becoming angry.
٦. يَرونَ اِحتِمالي عِفَّةً فَيَريبُهُم
تَوَفُّرُ حِلمي أَنَّني لَستُ أَغضَبُ
7. I have turned away from the nature of villains, for I see
Meanness as shameful and magnanimity called for.
٧. تَجافَيتُ عَن طَبعِ اللِئامِ لِأَنَّني
أَرى البُخلَ يُشنا وَالمَكارِمَ تُطلَبُ
8. I know generosity in people is a quality
Upheld by the free, the nature that prevails.
٨. وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ الجودَ في الناسِ شيمَةٌ
تَقومُ بِها الأَحرارُ وَالطَبعُ يَغلِبُ
9. O Ibn Ziyad, do not seek enmity with me,
For nights in the world go round and round.
٩. فَيا اِبنَ زِيادٍ لا تَرُم لي عَداوَةً
فَإِنَّ اللَيالي في الوَرى تَتَقَلَّبُ
10. And O Ziyad, if oppression were removed from you
There would be neither water nor sweet life.
١٠. وَيالِزِيادٍ إِنزَعوا الظُلمَ مِنكُمُ
فَلا الماءُ مَورودٌ وَلا العَيشُ طَيِّبُ
11. You were stars in the family of 'Abs when
If one star set another star rose.
١١. لَقَد كُنتُمُ في آلِ عَبسٍ كَواكِباً
إِذا غابَ مِنها كَوكَبٌ لاحَ كَوكَبُ
12. You have all sunk into the houses of your setting
Openly, like all stars that go down.
١٢. خُسِفتُم جَميعاً في بُروجِ هُبوطِكُم
جَهاراً كَما كُلُّ الكَواكِبُ تُنكَبُ