1. The full moon faded when it was complete,
Its light disappeared, so darkness prevailed,
١. خُسِفَ البَدرُ حينَ كانَ تَماماً
وَخَفي نورُهُ فَعادَ ظَلاما
2. The stars' lights sank and vanished,
The horizons' illumination turned pitch black.
٢. وَدَراري النُجومِ غارَت وَغابَت
وَضِياءُ الآفاقِ صارَ قَتاما
3. When they said Zuheir had died in battle,
Grief settled over us and stayed.
٣. حينَ قالوا زُهَيرُ وَلّى قَتيلاً
خَيَّمَ الحُزنُ عِندَنا وَأَقاما
4. Time made him drink a cup of anguish,
And so does time make the anguished drink.
٤. قَد سَقاهُ الزَمانُ كَأسَ حِمامٍ
وَكَذاكَ الزَمانُ يَسقي الحِماما
5. He was my support and weapon in adversities,
My shield, my sword, and my spear.
٥. كانَ عَوني وَعُدَّتي في الرَزايا
كانَ دِرعي وَذابِلي وَالحُساما
6. Oh my eyes, if you do not weep sincerely,
I will make crying over him forbidden to you.
٦. يا جُفوني إِن لَم تَجودي بِدَمعٍ
لَجَعَلتُ الكَرى عَلَيكِ حَراما
7. I swear by Him who makes live and makes die,
And alternates spirits and bodies.
٧. قَسَماً بِالَّذي أَماتَ وَأَحيا
وَتَوَلّى الأَرواحَ وَالأَجساما
8. I will not raise the sword in war until
I leave the people in the battlefield as bones.
٨. لا رَفَعتُ الحُسامَ في الحَربِ حَتّى
أَترُكُ القَومَ في الفَيافي عِظاما
9. O clan of Amer, you will face lightning
From my sword that pours blood copiously.
٩. يا بَني عامِرٍ سَتَلقَونَ بَرقاً
مِن حُسامي يُجري الدِماءَ سِجاما
10. The women will shriek in fear of the warrior,
And weep for the orphaned children.
١٠. وَتَضِجُّ النِساءُ مِن خَيفَةِ السَب
يِ وَتَبكي عَلى الصِغارِ اليَتامى