
The recollection of his love stirred tumult in my heart,

هاج للقلب من هواه ادكار

1. The recollection of his love stirred tumult in my heart,
And nights amid which was a day,

١. هاجَ لِلقَلبِ مِن هَواهُ اِدِّكارُ
وَلَيالٍ خِلالَهُنَّ نَهارُ

2. And lofty mountains firmly grounded,
And seas whose waters were copious,

٢. وَجِبالٌ شَوامِخٌ راسِياتٌ
وَبِحارٌ مِياهُهُنَّ غِزارُ

3. And stars hurried on by the moon of night,
And a sun that revolves each day,

٣. وَنُجومٌ يَحُثُّها قَمَرُ اللَي
لِ وَشَمسٌ في كُلِّ يَومٍ تُدارُ

4. Its brilliance dims the eyes and a violent,
Throbbing within the arteries is aroused,

٤. وَضَوؤُها يِطمُسُ العُيون وَإِرعا
دٌ شَديدٌ في الخافِقينِ مُثارُ

5. And a boy and one grey-haired and an infant,
All of them in the dust one day to be visited,

٥. وَغُلامٌ وَأَشمَطٌ وَرَضيعٌ
كُلُّهُم في التُرابِ يَوماً يُزارُ

6. And palaces erected that contained good,
And others that contained - so they are ruins,

٦. وَقُصورٌ مَشيدَةٌ حَوَتِ ال
خَيرَ وَأُخرى خَوَت فَهُنَّ قِفارُ

7. And much that the insight of one who sees and is not,
Perplexed falls short of,

٧. وَكَثيرٌ مِمَّ تُقَصِّرُ عَنهُ
حَدسَةُ الناظِرِ الَّذي لا يَحارُ

8. And that which I have mentioned is evidence of God,
Souls that have guidance and consideration.

٨. وَالَّذي قَد ذَكَرتُ دَلَّ عَلى اللَ
هِ نُفوساً لَها هُدىً وَاِعتِبارُ