1. Always we hide our sorrow, always
And why do we retain our tears, why?
١. حتَّامَ نكتُم حُزنَنَا حَتَّامَا
وَعَلامَ نَستَبقي الدُّمُوعَ عَلامَا
2. What's within me has grown severe
And increased, spreading disease, alas
٢. إِنَّ الَّذي ِبي قَد تَفَاقَمَ واعتَلَى
وَنَمَا وَزَادَ وَأَورَثَ الأَسقَامَا
3. The mother of children has fallen ill
We fear and worry it may be her end
٣. قَد أَصبَحَت أُمُّ البَنِينِ مَرِيضَةً
نَخشَى ونُشفِقُ أَن يَكُونَ حِمَامَا
4. Oh Lord, grant me her life lengthened
And heal through her the widows and orphans
٤. يا رَبِّ مَتِّعنِي بطُولِ بَقَائِها
واجبُر بِها الأَرمَالَ والأَيتَامَا
5. And heal through her the stranger in her land
Who has parted from kin and family
٥. واجبُر بِها الرَّجُلَ الغَرِيبَ بأَرضِهَا
قَد فَارَقَ الأَحوَالَ والأَعمَامَا
6. How many yearners and devouts in need
Were protected by her presence, preserved
٦. كَم رَاغبِينَ وَرَاهبينَ وَبُؤَّسٍ
عُصِمُوا بِقُربِ جَنَابِها إِعصَامَا
7. By the presence of Praiseworthy Zainab
Whose speech is beyond all glorifying
٧. بِجَنَابِ ظَاهِرَةِ الثَّنَا مَحمُودَةٍ
لا يُستَطَاعُ كَلامُها إِعظَامَا