
O fairest one whose heart has settled

حي التي أقصى فؤادك حلت

1. O fairest one whose heart has settled
In the abode where my heart dwelled,

١. حَيِّ الَّتي أَقصَى فُؤَادِك حَلَّتِ
عَلِمَت بأَنَّكَ عَاشِقٌ فَأَدلَّتِ

2. She knew you're lover thus she lowered her veil
And when she saw you she quivered and wailed,

٢. وإِذَا رأتك تَقَلقَلَت أَحشَاؤُها
شَوقَاً إِلَيكَ فَأَكثَرَت وأّقَلَّتِِ

3. When you entered and the doors were then sealed
The jealous one obscured her veil and defied

٣. وَإِذَا دَخَلَتَ فَأُغلِقَت أَبوَابُها
غَرَمَ الغيورُ حِجَابَها فَاعتَلَّتِ

4. And when you exited she cried and bewailed
Until her copious tears saturated the vale

٤. وَإِذَا خَرَجتَ بَكَت عَلَيكَ صَبَابةً
حَتَّى تَبُلَّ دُموعُها مَا بَلَّتِ

5. If you visited, O Waddah, welcome!
Our country has received you and sheltered.

٥. إِن كُنتَ يَا وَضَّاحُ زُرتَ فَمَرحَباً
رَحُبَت عَلَيكَ بِلادُنا وَأَظَلَّتِ