
O Waddah, ever merry and jesting,

مالك وضاح دائم الغزل

1. O Waddah, ever merry and jesting,
Do you not fear the nearing of death?

١. مَالَكَ وَضَّاحُ دَائمَ الغَزَلِ
أَلَستَ تَخشَى تَقَارُبَ الأَجَلِ

2. Pray to the Lord of the Throne and take steps
That will save you on the day of stumbling and slipping.

٢. صَلِّ لِذِي العَرشِ وَاتَّخِذ قَدَمَاً
تُنجيكَ يَومَ العِثَارِ والزَّلَلِ

3. O Death, you still stand in the way
Of every hopeful, however long their hope.

٣. يَا مَوتُ ما إِن تَزَالُ مُعتَرِضَاً
لآِمِلٍ دُونَ مُنتَهى الأَمَلِ

4. If one who fled from you escaped,
Then I would hasten the pace of my camel.

٤. لَو كَانَ مَن فَرَّ مِنكَ مُنفَلِتاً
إِذاً لأَسرَعتُ رِحلَةَ الجَمَلِ

5. But your hands have reached the length
Of all, no matter how far the camel litters.

٥. لَكِنَّ كَفَّيكَ نَالَ طولُهُما
مَا كَلَّ عَنهُ نَجائبُ الإِبِلِ

6. Your hands seize every one who travels
And whale of the sea and lion of the thicket.

٦. تَنَالُ كَفَّاكَ كُلَّ مُسهِلَةٍ
وَحُوتَ بَحرٍ وَمَعقِلَ الوَعِل

7. Were it not for my fear of graves, I would have
Become from that fear always apprehensive and anxious.

٧. لَولا حِذَارِي مِنَ الحُتُوفِ فَقَد
أَصبَحتُ مِن خَوفِها عَلى وَجَلِ

8. I would have been a lover of the heart in passion;
For its passion is the darling of the thickets.

٨. لَكُنتُ لِلقَلبِ في الهَوى تَبَعاً
إِنَّ هَواه رَبَائِبُ الحَجَلِ

9. My sweetheart lives in the Hijaz; for her
An old jealous man rules, sick with illnesses.

٩. حَرَميَّه تَسكُنُ الحِجَازَ لها
شَيخٌ غَيورٌ يَعتَلُّ بِالعِلَلِ

10. My heart attached itself to the darling of the house of Muluk,
She of the two earrings and musky hairlocks.

١٠. عُلِّقَ قَلبِي رَبِيبَ بَيتِ مُلو
كِ ذَاتَ قُرطَينِ وَعثَةُ الكَفَلِ

11. She prattles ineloquently but I am pleased with her prattle,
Flowing gently like the running of honey.

١١. تَفتَرُّ عَن مَنطِقٍ تَضنُّ بهِ
يَجري رُضَاباً كَذَائِبِ العَسَلِ