
My heart was stirred by the gentle meadow's breeze

طرب الفؤاد لطيف روضة غاشي

1. My heart was stirred by the gentle meadow's breeze
While people dwelled between sand dunes and nests

١. طَرِبَ الفؤادُ لِطَيفِ رَوضَةَ غَاشِي
والقومُ بين أَباطِحٍ وعِشاشِ

2. How did you find your way when your land is barren
Desolate wilderness, gloom and fine rain

٢. أَنَّى اهتَدَيتِ ودُونَ أَرضكِ سَبسَبٌ
قَفرٌ وَحَزنٌ في دُجىً ورِشَاشِ

3. She said: the costs of love I have endured
For the lover when frightened continues on his way

٣. قَالَت تَكَالِيفُ المَحَبِّ كَلِفتُها
إِنَّ المحِبَّ إِذَا أُخيفَ لَمَاشِي

4. I call you a vast meadow yet your name is different
Lest someone overhearing might make it known while talking

٤. أَدعُوكِ روضَةَ رَحبٍ واسمُكِ غَيرُه
شَفَقاً وأَخشَى أَن يَشِي بكِ واشِي

5. She said: so visit us; I said: how can I visit
When I am a man fearing your secret may be revealed

٥. قالَت فَزُرنا قلتُ كيفَ أَزُورُكم
وأَنا امرُؤٌ لِخُرُوجِ سِرِّكِ خَاشي

6. She said: then show goodwill to all of my family
And kindness to my brothers you walk with

٦. قَالَت فَكُن لِعُمومَتي سَلماَ مَعَاً
والطُف لإِخوَتِيَ الَّذِينَ تُمَاشِي

7. So you may visit us together safely
And the secret, clear one, will not be laid bare

٧. فَتَزورَنا مَعَهُم زِيارَةَ آمنٍ
والسرُّ يا وَضَّاحُ لَيس بفَاشِي

8. And I saw her walking once on the sand dune
In anklets and robes of wool

٨. وَلَقِيتُها تَمشِي بأَبطَحَ مَرَّةً
بِخَلاَخِلٍ وَبِحُلَّةٍ أَكبَاشِ

9. So I remained erect, spending the night sleepless
With tears from my eyes soaking my cloak

٩. فَظَلِلتُ مَعمُوداً وبِتُّ مُسَهَّداً
وَدُموعُ عَيني في الرِّدَاءِ غَواشي

10. Oh meadow, your love has enfeebled my body and wasted away
My bones until you have reached my innermost depths

١٠. يَارَوضُ حُبُّكِ سَلَّ جِسمي وانتَحى
في العَظمِ حتى قَد بَلَغتِ مُشَاشِي