
Imagination knocked, so a thousand welcomes

طرق الخيال فمرحبا ألفا

1. Imagination knocked, so a thousand welcomes
To the passions of our hearts that are impassioned

١. طَرَقَ الخَيَالُ فَمَرحَباً أَلفَاً
بِالشَّاغِفَاتِ قُلُوبِنَا شَغفَا

2. Indeed the doctor says to me, though
I have not told him anything of our affair

٢. وَلَقَد يَقُولُ لِيَ الطَبِيبُ وَما
نَبَّأتُهُ مِن شَأنِنَا حَرفَا

3. I reckon your illness is from one
With rosy fingers that dyes the palm

٣. إِنَّي لأَحسَبُ أَنَّ دَاءَكَ ذا
مِن ذِي دَمَالِجَ يَخضِبُ الكَفَّا

4. I am Al-Waddah, if you meet me
I will eulogize you well with description

٤. إِنِّي أَنَا الوَضَّاحُ إِن تَصِلي
أُحسِن بِكِ التشبِيبَ وَالوَصفَا

5. Your mention has healed and quenched my heart
And come close, but has not shown us any intimacy

٥. شَطَّت فَشَفَّ القَلبَ ذِكرُكَها
وَدَنَت فَمَا بَذَلَت لَنا عُرفَا