1. A thousand thousand welcomes to you
Who glance my way with languid eyes.
١. يَا مَرحَباً أَلفَاً وَأَلَفا
بِالكَاسِرَاتِ إِلَيَّ طَرفَا
2. Your boats cleave the waters
Swift as racing ostrich mounts.
٢. رُجحِ الرَّوَادِفِ كَالظِّبَا
ءِ تَعَرَّضَت حُوَّاً وَوُطفَا
3. Once they recognized my vessel
And would glance my way no more.
٣. أَنكَرنَ مَركَبِيَ الحِمَا
رَ وَكُنَّ لاَ يُنكِرنَ طِرفَا
4. "Where are the lads?" they asked me.
"Gone!" I said, and that was that.
٤. وَسَأَلنَنِي أَينَ الشَبَا
بُ فقُلتُ بانَ وَكَانَ حِلفَا
5. My youth is spent and their oath
Of fealty to me is done.
٥. أَفنَى شَبَابِي فانقَضَى
حِلفُ النِسَاءِ تَبِعنَ حِلفَا
6. I gave them all my love and they
Repaid me with deceit and scorn.
٦. أَعطَيتُهُنَّ مَوَدَّتي
فَجَزَينَني كَذِبَاً وَخُلفَا
7. My songs were healing incantations
I sent their way but they were heedless.
٧. وَقَصَائِدٌ مِثلُ الرُّقَى
أَرسَلتُهُنَ فَكُنَّ شَغفَا
8. They left each lover in torment
And hurried away in haste.
٨. أَوجَعنَ كُلَّ مُغَازِلٍ
وَعَصَفنَ بِالغَيرَانِ عَصفَا
9. Of all the joys of being young
I've had my share and I've been known.
٩. مِن كُلِّ لَذَّاتِ الفَتَى
قَد نِلتُ نَائِلَةً وَعُرفَا
10. I entertained the loveliest girls
And poured the wine for them profusely.
١٠. صِدتُ الأَوَانِسَ كَالدُّمى
وَسَقَيتُهُنَّ الخَمرَ صِرفَا