1. By the life of Abi 'Amr, truly fate has led him
To a grave covered with fighters' corpses,
١. لَعَمرُ أَبي عَمروٍ لَقَد ساقَهُ المَنا
إِلى جَدَثٍ يوزى لَهُ بِالأَهاضِبِ
2. To the lair of a lion in a permanent den
Where merchants exchange their goods,
٢. لِحَيَّةِ جُحرٍ في وِجارٍ مُقيمَةٍ
تَنَمّى بِها سَوقُ المَنا وَالجَوالِبِ
3. O brother who has no brother after him, his death
Has gathered all the doctors and healers
٣. أَخي لا أَخا لي بَعدَهُ سَبَقَت بِهِ
مُنَيَّتُهُ جَمعَ الرُقى وَالطَبائِبِ
4. So my eyes will not stay moist in this life
With tears under dusty lids,
٤. فَعَينَيَّ لا يَبقى عَلى الدَهرِ فادِرٌ
بِتَيهورَةٍ تَحتَ الطِخافِ العَصائِبِ
5. I have become accustomed to it for all of my life, so his loss
Is like the loss of a great towering building,
٥. تَمَلّى بِها طولَ الحَياةِ فَقَرنُهُ
لَهُ حِيَدٌ أَشرافُها كَالرَواجِبِ
6. He stays up at night in solitude
Like a stranger covered in his cloak,
٦. يَبيتُ إِذا ما آنَسَ اللَيلَ كانِساً
مَبيتَ الغَريبِ ذي الكَساءِ المُحارِبِ
7. Like an elderly man complaining without fault
Of the cruelty of his close relatives,
٧. مَبيتَ الكَبيرِ يَشتَكي غَيرَ مُعتَبٍ
شَفيفَ عُقوقٍ مِن بَنيِهِ الأَقارِبِ
8. As a child he was raised here and became a young man
And a protector against attacking enemies,
٨. بِها كانَ طِفلاً ثُمَّ أَسدَسَ فَاِستَوى
فَأَصبَحَ لِهماً في لُهومٍ قَراهِبِ
9. He is startled by the cawing of the raven so he takes cover
In the crevices of the rocks - what an escaping fugitive!
٩. يُرَوَّعُ مِن صَوتِ الغُرابِ فَيُنتِحي
مَسامَ الصُخورِ فَهُوَ أَهرَبُ هارِبِ
10. One day, when he had grown old
An old man's crime presented itself to the rider
١٠. أُتيحَ لَهُ يَوماً وَقَد طالَ عُمرُهُ
جَريمَةُ شَيخٍ قَد تَحَنَّبَ ساغِبِ
11. In winter, he would protect him from the cold
And in summer, he would shade him from the heat
١١. يُحامي عَلَيهِ في الشِتاءِ إِذا شَتا
وَفي الصَيفِ يَبغيهِ الجَنى كَالمُناجِبِ
12. When the old man saw him, he said - By God, who sees
A sheep like this in the end - what a protector!
١٢. فَلَمّا رَآهُ قالَ لِلَّهِ مَن رَأى
مِنَ العُصمِ شاةً مِثلَ ذا بِالعَواقِبِ
13. He circled around him until he shot him when he drew near
With a brown arrow - his shooter did not miss
١٣. أَطافَ بِهِ حَتّى رَماهُ وَقَد دَنا
بِأَسمَرَ مَفتوقٍ مِنَ النَبلِ صائِبِ
14. He called to his brother, then flew down swiftly
To skin it with his sharp knife
١٤. فَنادى أَخاهُ ثُمَّ طارَ بِشَفرَةِ
إِلَيهِ اِجتِزارَ الفَعفَعِيِّ المُناهِبِ
15. By God, the flapping of wings - what strength
To carry the meat of rabbits!
١٥. وَلِلَّهِ فَتخاءُ الجَناحَينِ لِقوَةٌ
تُوَسِّدُ فَرخَيها لُحومَ الأَرانِبِ
16. As if the hearts of birds in their dens
Were seeds thrown down at some feasts
١٦. كَأَنَّ قُلوبَ الطَيرِ في جَوفِ وَكرِها
نَوى القَسبِ يُلقى عِندَ بَعضِ المَآدِبِ
17. So it noticed a gazelle lying down, spotted by
Some women near an enemy tribe
١٧. فَخاتَت غَزالاً جاثِماً بَصُرَت بِهِ
لَدى سَمُراتٍ عِندَ أَدماءَ سارِبِ
18. Then it passed over some wire and got entangled
Falling on its legs - failing fate!
١٨. فَمَرَّت عَلى رَيدٍ فَأَعنَتَ بَعضَها
فَخَرَّت عَلى الرِجلَينِ أَخيَبَ خائِبِ
19. It cried out as its wing appeared as though
It were an excited kite flying in the air
١٩. تَصيحُ وَقَد بانَ الجَناحُ كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا نَهَضَت في الجَوِّ مِخراقُ لاعِبِ
20. And the two chicks were left in its den
In a land with no guardian or earning breadwinner
٢٠. وَقَد تُرِكَ الفَرخانُ في جَوفِ وَكرِها
بِبَلدَةِ لا مَولىً وَلا عِندَ كاسِبِ
21. Two fledglings twittering at dawn whenever
They sense the wind blowing or a mourner wailing
٢١. فُرَيخانُ يَنضاعانُ في الفَجرِ كُلَّما
أَحَسّا دَوِيَّ الريحِ أَو صَوتَ ناعِبِ
22. But the chicks did not see their mother by evening
Nor was there peace in the nest from their calling out
٢٢. فَلَم يَرَها الفَرخانِ عِندَ مَسائِها
وَلَم يَهدَآ في عُشِّها مِن تَجاوُبِ
23. For this is what fate does - it has
Every sought pleasure and seeking lover
٢٣. فَذلِكَ مِمّا يُحدِثُ الدَهرَ إِنَّهُ
لَهُ كُلُّ مَطلوبٍ حَثيثٍ وَطالِبِ