
Verily with Dahma I take pride though I find no comfort,

إني بدهماء عز ما أجد

1. Verily with Dahma I take pride though I find no comfort,
Her love has come back to me after it had departed.

١. إِنّي بِدَهماءَ عَزَّ ما أَجِدُ
عاوَدَني مِن حِبابِها زُؤُدُ

2. Her love has returned though it had withdrawn before,
So turn her purpose away, for I am flexible.

٢. عاوَدَني حُبُّها وَقَد شَحَطَت
صَرفُ نَواها فَإِنَّني كَمِدُ

3. By God, if she were to speak to an old white-haired man,
Whose home is Rome, Tanukh, Al-'Atram, or Zabad.

٣. وَاللَهُ لَو أَسمَعَت مَقالَتَها
شَيخاً مِنَ الزُبِّ رَأسُهُ لَبِدُ

4. He would propose marriage upon seeing her,
Though he had never thought of it before.

٤. مَآبِهُ الرومُ أَو تَنوخُ أَو ال
آطامُ مِن صَوَّرانَ أَو زَبَدُ

5. Tell the elders I sent an invigorating message,
In it are new, glistening tablets.

٥. لَفاتَحَ البَيعَ عِندَ رُؤيَتِها
وَكانَ قَبلُ اِبتِياعُهُ لَكِدُ

6. We made a tryst to meet in the valley's depths,
Destroyed by confused thoughts and distant between us.

٦. أَبلِغ كَبيراً عَنّي مُغَلغَلَةً
تَبرُقُ فيها صَحائِفٌ جُدُدُ

7. Their threats will be negated by my valiance,
My white sword, and my sturdy shield I wield.

٧. المَوعِدينا في أضن تُقَتِّلَهُم
أَفناءُ فَهمٍ وَبَينَنا بُعَدُ

8. My sharpened blade rendered pure,
White iron, heavy in my steady grip.

٨. إِنّي سَيَنهى عَنّي وَعيدَهُم
بيضٌ رِهابٌ وَمُجنَأٌ أُجُدُ

9. Would that swords of battle turn away from him
And I come back with empty hands finding naught.

٩. وَصارِمٌ أُخلِصَت خَشيبَتُهُ
أَبيَضُ مَهوٌ في مَتنشهِ رُبَدُ

10. It is a cutting sword whose blows fall randomly,
Striking the polished handle, so it's hilt is split.

١٠. فَلَيتُ عَنهُ سُيوفَ أَريَحَ حَتّى
باءِ بِكَفّي وَلَم أَكَد أَجِدُ

11. A straight Samhara sword of the yellowness of a lion,
Its number of notches as many as a locust's chirp.

١١. فَهُوَ حُسامٌ تُتِرُّ ضَربَتُهُ سا
قَ المُذَكّى فَعَظمُها قِصَدُ

12. As if its ringing, when wrapped,
Defeats rebels in the wake of their loss.

١٢. وَسَمحَةٌ مِن قِسِيِّ زارَةَ صَفرا
ءُ هَتوفٌ عِدادُها غَرِدُ

13. This is my hardware I shall never fail to defend,
I fear they will make true what they promised.

١٣. كَأَنَّ إِرنانَها إِذا رُدِمَت
هَزمُ بُغاةٍ في إِثرِ ما فَقَدوا

14. I am no slave to make and keep appointments,
Nor accept injustices brought by anyone.

١٤. ذلِكَ بَزّي فَلَن أُفَرِّطُهُ
أَخافُ أَن يُنجِزوا الَّذي وَعَدوا

15. The elders came so I may dishonor them,
The people are prey, as though blind.

١٥. فَلَستُ عَبداً لِموعِدِيَّ وَلا
أَقبَلُ ضَيماً يَأتي بِهِ أَحَدُ

16. In the home I furnished with woven decoration,
The home of Malik, whose birth was ignoble.

١٦. جاءَت كَبيرٌ كَيما أُخَفِّرَها
وَالقَومُ صيدٌ كَأَنَّما رَمِدوا

17. A Ewe to butt which if aroused,
Its curved horn pains, for it is rigid.

١٧. في المُزَنّى الَّذي حَشَشتُ بِهِ
مالَ ضَريكٍ تِلادُهُ نَكِدُ

١٨. تَيسُ تُيوسٍ إِذا يُناطِحُها
يَألَمُ قَرناً أَرومُهُ نَقِدُ