
I stayed awake, sleepless, the night passed without rest

أرقت فبت لم أذق المناما

1. I stayed awake, sleepless, the night passed without rest
My night seemed endless, with no sign of dawn

١. أَرِقتُ فَبِتُّ لَم أَذُق المَناما
 وَلَيلي لا أُحِسُّ لَهُ انصِراما

2. By your life! Death prevails
Charms bring no protection against fate

٢. لَعَمرُكَ وَالمَنايا غالِباتٌ
وَما تُغني التَميماتُ الحِماما

3. Destiny led him inexorably to his deathbed
And fate brought him from gladness to gloom

٣. لَقَد أَجرى لِمَصرَعِهِ تَليدٌ
وَساقَتهُ المَنِيَّةُ مِن أَذاما

4. To a grave by the oleander
Where first he found peace, and peace remains

٤. إِلى جَدَثٍ بِجَنبِ الجَوِّراسٍ
بِهِ ما حَلَّ ثُمَّ بِهِ أَقاما

5. Time spares no noble soul
Not even the long-lived ostrich or ostrich-hen

٥. أَرى الأَيّامَ لا تُبقي كَريماً
وَلا العُصمَ الأَوابِدَ وَالنَعاما

6. An appointed time comes to all
When the arrows of death fly thick

٦. أُتيحَ لَه أُقَيدَرُ ذو حَشيفٍ
إِذا سامَت عَلى المَلَقاتِ ساما

7. He who foresaw his fate
Launched his arrows against her idols

٧. خَفِيُّ الشَخصِ مُقتَدِرٌ عَلَيها
يَشُنُّ عَلى ثَمائِلِها السِماما

8. He stormed her streets and cast
Her warriors down, giving them poison to drink

٨. فَيَبدُرُها شَرائِعَها فَيَرمي
مَقاتِلَها فَيَسقيها الزُؤاما

9. They left behind two meadows
Whose unthriving herbage bears only plants that disappoint

٩. وَلا عِلجانُ يَنتابانَ رَوضاً
نَضيراً نَبتُهُ عُمّاً تُؤاما

10. The abandoned meadows, bare and barren
Where once clear water flowed, now choked with scum

١٠. كِلا العِلجَينِ أَصعَرُ صَيعَرِيٌّ
تَخالُ نَسيلَ مَتنَيهِ الثَغاما

11. All night they hoped to see the moon rise
And feared the archer who might keep it hidden

١١. فَباتا يَأمُلانِ مِياهَ بَدرٍ
وَخافا رامِياً عَنهُ فَخاما

12. They passed the night conversing, and when he shot
His arrows found their mark and brought destruction

١٢. فَراغا ناجِيَينِ وَقامَ يَرمي
فَآبَتَ نَبلُهُ قِصَداً حُطاما

13. As if, scaling a rugged peak
Or climbing a rocky crag, they stirred sleepy adders

١٣. كَأَنَّهُما إِذا عَلَوا وَجيناً
وَمَقطَعَ حَرَّةٍ بَعَثا رِجاما

14. Until the serpents, writhing side by side
Or twisting round each other, were fully roused

١٤. يُثيرانِ الجَنادِلَ كابِياتٍ
إِذا جارا مَعاً وَإِذا اِستَقاما

15. All night they writhed, till dawn
Rose bright and clear, putting the darkness to flight

١٥. فَباتا يُحيِيانِ اللَيلَ حَتّى
أَضاءَ الصُبحُ مَنبَلِجاً وَقاما

16. Whether they escaped that dread place
Or met their destined end, none can tell

١٦. فَإِمّا يَنجوا مِنَ خَوفِ أَرضٍ
فَقَد لَقِيا حُتوفَهُما لِزاما

17. For at daybreak horsemen came
Whose tents the wildlife mistook for camping-grounds

١٧. وَقَد لَقِيا مِنَ الإِشراقِ خَيلاً
تَسوفُ الوَحشَ تَحسَبُها خِياما

18. On all sides archers, driving their swift steeds
And loosing the reins, shot home their arrows

١٨. بِكُلِّ مُقَلِّصٍ ذَكَرٍ عَنودٍ
يَبُذُّ يَدَ العَشَنَّقِ وَاللِجاما

19. Till agony filled the serpents' breasts
As the arrows pierced deep with poisoned points

١٩. فَشامَت في صُدورِهِما رِماحاً
مِنَ الخَطِّيِّ أُشرِبَت السِماما

20. A dove flew by, calling plaintively, and recalled
My tears for one whose death deprived me of joy

٢٠. وَذَكَّرَني بُكايَ عَلى تَليدٍ
حَمامَةُ مَرَّ جاوَبَتِ الحَماما

21. With wondrous eloquence she told her tale
Like a mourning woman come to lament the dead

٢١. تُرَجِّعَ مَنطِقاً عَجَباً وَأَوفَت
كَنائِحَةٍ أَتَت نَوحاً قياما

22. Calling upon Hura's barren sands she mourned
Him whose voice falls now forever silent

٢٢. تُنادي ساقَ حُرَّ وَظَلَّتُ أَدعو
تَليداً لا تُبينَ بِهِ الكَلاما

23. Perhaps you are dead, or perhaps, still a youth
You have found position and fame

٢٣. لَعَلَّكَ هالِكٌ إِمّا غُلامٌ
تَبَوَّأَ مِن شَمَنصيرٍ مُقاما