
For Shamma after the scattering of resolve

لشماء بعد شتات النوى

1. For Shamma after the scattering of resolve
When I had imagined lightning and abundant rain

١. لِشَمّاءَ بَعدَ شَتاتِ النَوى
وَقَد كُنتُ أَخيَلتُ بَرقاً وَليفا

2. That stirred a caravan for which there was a guide
Revealing to the cheek a gentle trail

٢. أَجَشَّ رِبَحلاً لَهُ هَيدَبٌ
يُكَشِّفُ لِلخالَ رَيطاً كَشيفا

3. As if its succession with the night
Were foreign ships sailing gently

٣. كَأَنَّ تَوالِيَهُ بِالمَلا
سَفائِنُ أَعجَمَ ما يَحنَ ريفا

4. I became infatuated with it like the flash of lightning
That turns in the palm a light burden

٤. أَرِقتُ لَهُ مِثلَ لَمعِ البَشي
رِ يُقَلِّبُ بِالكَفِّ فَرضاً خَفيفاً

5. So the length of its scattering came
As if they were plunder taken violently

٥. فَأَقبَلَ مِنهُ طِوالُ الذُرا
كَأَنَّ عَلَيهِنَّ بَيعاً جَزيفا

6. And it came bitter toward Magdal
The gait of the fettered walking freely

٦. وَأَقبَلَ مَرّاً إِلى مَجدَلٍ
سِياقَ المُقَيَّدِ يَمشي رَسيفا

7. And when it saw the depth before it
And when it saw Omar and al-Munifa

٧. وَلَمّا رَأى العَمقَ قُدّامَهُ
وَلَمّا رَأى عَمَرا وَالمُنيفا

8. It let down from the night its branches
As if its exteriorities were hollow

٨. أَسالَ مِنَ اللَيلِ أَشجانَهُ
كَأَنَّ ظَواهِرَهُ كُنَّ جوفا

9. And that radiance unlike the stars
You would think it had a smooth coating

٩. وَذاكَ السِطاعُ خِلافَ النِجا
ءِ تَحِسِبَهُ ذا طِلاءٍ نَتيفا

10. To Omarayn, to Ghayqah
So it swayed guiding a hollow caravan

١٠. إِلى عَمَرَينِ إِلى غَيقَةٍ
فَيَليَلَ يَهدي رَبَحلاً رَجوفا

11. As if its succession with the night
Were Christians led forcibly to belief

١١. كَأَنَّ تَوالِيَهُ بِالمَلا
نَصارى يُساقونَ لاقَوا حَنيفا

12. So it became between the valley of Qusur
Until it churned up at Yalamalam a stagnant pool

١٢. فَأَصبَحَ ما بَينَ وادي القُصو
رِ حَتّى يَلَملَمَ حَوضاً لَقيفا

13. For it there was ebb and for it contention
Churning in the bucket water muddily

١٣. لَهُ ما تِحٌ وَلَهُ نازِعٌ
يَجُشّانِ بِالدَلوِ ماءً خَسيفا

14. So if you spurn me and shun
Your familiar place and it became detested

١٤. فَإِمّا يَحيَنَنَّ أَن تَهجُري
وَتَنأى نَواكِ وَكانَت قَذوفا

15. Then the son of Turayna, when I come to you
I see him repelling speech violently against me

١٥. فَإِنَّ اِبنَ تُرنى إِذا جِئتُكُم
أَراهُ يُدافِعُ قَولاً عَنيفا

16. He has worn out his fingers his ailment
And so he bites my job angrily

١٦. قَد اِفنى أَنامِلَهُ أَزمُهُ
فَأَمسى يَعَضُّ عَلَيَّ الوَظيفا

17. So do not sit upon roughness
And harbor in your heart fear and alarm

١٧. فَلا تَقعُدَنَّ عَلى زَخَّةٍ
وَتُضمِرَ في القَلبِ وَجداً وَخيفا

18. And do not desire for me after prohibition
And after honor evil and malice

١٨. وَلا أَبغِيَنَّكَ بَعدَ النُهى
وَبَعدَ الكَرامَةِ شَرّاً ظَليفا

19. And do not patch me the patch of the breastplate
In which the artisans sewed deceit

١٩. وَلا أَرقَعَنَّكَ رَقعَ الصَدي
عِ لاءَمَ فيهِ الصَناعُ الكَتيفا

20. And water I came upon falsehood
Like the gait of the thin that walks effortlessly

٢٠. وَماءٍ وَرَدتُ عَلى زَورَةٍ
كَمَشيِ السَبَنتي يَراحُ الشَفيفا

21. So I stirred the edges of my sword in its sheath
The stirring of the fleeting a drawn cup

٢١. فَخَضخَضتُ صُفنِيَ في جَمِّهِ
خِياضَ المُدابِرِ قِدحاً عَطوفا

22. When I determined therewith my near approach
I set out to roam or as an alternative

٢٢. فَلَمّا جَزَمتُ بِهِ قِربَتي
تَيَمَّمتُ أَطرِقَةً أَو خَليفا

23. With me a boon companion settled with resolve
And there was not in the people a weak cowardice

٢٣. مَعي صاحِبٍ داجِنٌ بِالعَزاةِ
وَلَم يَكُ في القَومِ وَغلاً ضَعيفا

24. Galloping like the gallop of Kurdur you see
In its excellence, though it forgot gently

٢٤. وَيَعدو كَعَدوِ كُدُرٍّ تَرى
بِفائِلِهِ وَنَساهُ نُسوفا