1. Would that a messenger came with tidings
To meet my father, the blemished, he does not delay
١. لَيتَ مُبَلِّغاً يأتي بِقولٍ
لِقاءَ أَبي المُثَلَّمُ لا يَريثُ
2. To tell him that my mind is with me
A sturdy fortress, it does not weaken or bend, neither female nor male
٢. فَيُخبِرَهُ بِأَنَّ العَقلَ عِندي
جُرازٌ لا أَفَلُّ لا أَفَلُّ وَلا أَنيثُ
3. With it I stand firm and courageous, it has traits
Of the two swords when the lions fled
٣. بِهِ أَقِمُ الشُجاعَ لَهُ خُصاصٌ
مِنَ القَطِمين إِذ فَرَّ اللُيوثُ
4. I remain steadfast though we descended from Numar
At the plea of my blemished father crying for help
٤. سَمِتعُ وَقَد هَبَطنا مِن نُمارٍ
دَعاءَ أَبي المُثَلَّمِ يَستَغيثُ
5. He provokes his people to kill me
For Al-Muzani when the insects became many
٥. يُحَرِّضُ قَومَهُ كَي يَقتُلوني
عَلى المُزَنّي إِذ كَثُرَ الوُعوثُ
6. And whenever I heard a caller's plea
I respond, I neither refuse nor hesitate
٦. وَكُنتُ إِذا سَمِعتُ دُعاءَ داعٍ
أُجيبَ فَلا أَلَفُّ وَلا مَكيثُ