
I prohibited the captives though they were made lawful

وحرمت السباء وإن أحلت

1. I prohibited the captives though they were made lawful
By an arbitrator or coinage or to my own life

١. وَحَرَّمتُ السِباءَ وَإِن أُحِلَّت
بِشَورٍ أَو بِمِزجٍ أَو لِصابِ

2. Or I visited the tribe of Utayr
While her shoulder was a collection of mist

٢. حَياتي أَو أَزورَ بَني عُتَيرٍ
وَكاهِلُها بِجَمعٍ ذي ضَبابِ

3. When she fell onto a heel or shin
And she became lawful to drink

٣. إِذا وَقَعَت بِكَعبٍ أَو قُرَيمٍ
وَسَيّارٍ فَقَد ساغَ الشَرابُ

4. I think I’m dead for a period but when
I look upon the visage of the people of the grave

٤. أَظُنّي مَيِّتٌ كَمَداً وَلَمّا
أُطالِع طَلعَةً أَهلَ الكِرابِ

5. And I went slowly leading a company
Is it the mother of the blackness of the veiled hillock

٥. وَزِلتُ مُسَيِّراً رَهدي رَعيلاً
أَأُمُّ سَوادَ طَودٍ ذي نِقابِ