1. Has the slain man at al-Awsa caused sorrow for a youth?
Or does the raider hope for provisions?
١. أَبَعدَ قَتيلِ العَوصِ آسى عَلى فَتاً
وَصاحِبِهِ أَو يَأمَلُ الزادَ طارِقُ
2. Shall I hunt spoils at the end of night or seek
An excuse for a day when obstacles abound?
٢. أَأَطرُدُ نَهباً آخِرَ اللَيلِ أَبتَغي
عُلالَةَ يَومٍ أَن تَعوقَ العَوائِقُ
3. By my life, you got a young man as though his cloak
Were on a mare of the steeds of Duwmat al-Shanuq!
٣. لَعَمروُ فَتىً نِلتُم كَأَنَّ رِدائَهُ
عَلى سَرحَةٍ مِن سَرحِ دَومَةَ شانِقُ
4. I will hunt spoils or visit with some youths
By their oaths, the pale spears and the anemones!
٤. لَأَطرُدُ نَهباً أَو نَزورُ بِفِتيَةٍ
بِأَيمانِهِم سُمرُ القَنا وَالعَقائِقُ
5. Disheveled, dusty, as though their eyes
Were the blaze of departure garlanded with meadow saffron!
٥. مَساعِرَةٌ شُعثٌ كَأَنَّ عُيونَهُم
حَريقُ الغَضا تُلفى عَلَيها الشَقائِقُ
6. So count the sacred months, then recognize
The slain of men or a girl who embraces!
٦. فَعُدّوا شُهورَ الحِرمِ ثُمَّ تَعَرَّفوا
قَتيلَ أُناسٍ أَو فَتاةً تُعانِقُ