
A land whose road is twisted like torn cloth,

وشعب كشل الثوب شكس طريقه

1. A land whose road is twisted like torn cloth,
Its valley joints are covered with fine sand.

١. وَشَعبٍ كَشَلِّ الثَوبِ شَكسٍ طَريقُهُ
مَجامِعُ صوحَيهِ نِطافٌ مَخاصِرُ

2. I tried to find it at night but no guide led me there,
No informer was good at describing it.

٢. تَعَسَّفتُهُ بِاللَيلِ لَم يَهدِني لَهُ
دَليلٌ وَلَم يُحسِن لِيَ النَعتَ خابِرُ

3. Near the rise of Sirius it has some comfort,
As if its mountainsides have built nests.

٣. لَدُن مَطلَعِ الشِعرى قَليلٍ أَنيسُهُ
كَأَنَّ الطَخا في جانِبَيهِ مَعاجِرُ

4. In it are white water skins hardened
By a giant for the deaf rock therein are pegs.

٤. بِهِ مِن نَجاءِ الدَلوِ بيضٌ أَقَرَّها
جُبارٌ لِصُمِّ الصَخرِ فيهِ قَراقِرُ

5. And we passed till the water was ended
And the torrent had left what it would leave.

٥. وَمَرِّرنَ حَتّى كُنَّ لِلماءِ مُنتَهاً
وَغادَرَهُنَّ السَيلُ فيما يُغادِرُ

6. In it are blue pools, little dirt,
The water had uncovered its sides, so it wanders astray.

٦. بِهِ نُطَفٌ زُرقٌ قَليلٌ تُرابُها
جَلا الماءُ عَن أَرجائِها فَهوَ حائِرُ

7. In it are paths from ancient waters
With sources they no longer have springs.

٧. بِهِ سَمَلاتٌ مِن مِياهٍ قَديمَةٍ
مَوارِدُها ما إِن لَهُنَّ مَصادِرُ