
The pacts which bound them to you have been severed by the hounds;

فقد أطلقت كلب إليكم عهودها

1. The pacts which bound them to you have been severed by the hounds;
Of gods you are in sorrier need than you are of a hound.

١. فَقَد أَطلَقَت كَلبٌ إِلَيكُم عُهودُها
وَلَستُم إِلى إِلٍّ بِأَفقَرَ مِن كَلبِ

2. When the days of Muraamir were over they surrendered to you,
And the battle kindled its blaze and bare its leg.

٢. وَهُم أَسلَموكُم يَومَ نَعفِ مُرامِرٍ
وَقَد شَمَّرَت عَن ساقِها جَمرَةُ الحَربِ

3. I saw a fire aflame whose flame when kindled
Beckoned to us after the troops on the ridge of the hill.

٣. بَصَرتُ بِنارٍ شِمتُها حينَ أوقِدَت
تَلوحُ لَنا بَعدَ الرُتَيلَةِ فَالهَضبِ