
O you who can inform the perceptive youths,

ألا من مبلغ فتيان فهم

1. O you who can inform the perceptive youths,
Of what I met at the mill of the qirān,

١. أَلا مَن مُبلِغٌ فِتيانَ فَهمٍ
بِما لاقَيتُ عِندَ رَحى بِطانِ

2. That I met a ghoul rushing
With a gazed like parchment being shaken.

٢. بِأَنّي قَد لَقيتُ الغولَ تَهوي
بِسَهبٍ كَالصَحيفَةِ صَحصَحانِ

3. So I said to her, both of us dismount;
A traveler's brother, so make room for me.

٣. فَقُلتُ لَها كِلانا نِضوُ أَينٍ
أَخو سَفَرٍ فَخَلّي لي مَكاني

4. She came at me aggressively, so I struck
At her with my Yemeni sword, polished and keen.

٤. فَشَدَّت شَدَّةً نَحوي فَأَهوى
لَها كَفّي بِمَصقولٍ يَماني

5. I struck her without hesitation, and she fell
Vanquished by the blows of my hands and elbows.

٥. فَأَضرِبُها بِلا دَهَشٍ فَخَرَّت
صَريعاً لِليَدَينِ وَلِلجِرانِ

6. She said, “Let me go,” and I said, “Stay still,
This is your place, for I am resolute.”

٦. فَقالَت عُد فَقُلتُ لَها رُوَيداً
مَكانَكِ إِنَّني ثَبتُ الجَنانِ

7. I did not stop leaning over her
To see what the morning would bring me,

٧. فَلَم أَنفَكُّ مُتَّكِئً لَدَيها
لِأَنظُرَ مُصبِحاً ماذا أَتاني

8. When two eyes in an ugly head appeared,
Like the head of a cat with split tongue.

٨. إِذا عَينانِ في رَأسٍ قَبيحٍ
كَرَأسِ الهِرِّ مَشقوقِ اللِسانِ

9. And legs with elephantiasis and dog paws,
Wearing a cloak or rough garment.

٩. وَساقا مُخدَجٍ وَشَواةُ كَلبٍ
وَثَوبٌ مِن عَباءٍ أَو شَنانِ