
When you meet a day of truthfulness, insist

إذا لاقيت يوم الصدق فاربع

1. When you meet a day of truthfulness, insist
Upon it and don't care about a day of falsehood.

١. إِذا لاقَيتَ يَومَ الصِدقِ فَاِربَع
عَلَيهِ وَلا يُهِمُّكَ يَومُ سَوِّ

2. I have driven the camels of the tribe of Murad
A long way on any route of driving.

٢. عَلى أَنّي بِسَرحِ بَني مُرادٍ
شَحَوتُهُمُ سِياقاً أَيَّ شَحوِ

3. And another like it, with no fault in it,
I watched for a day other than one of injury.

٣. وَآخَرَ مِثلَهُ لاعَيبَ فيهِ
بَصَرتُ بِهِ لِيَومٍ غَيرِ دَوِّ

4. I humbled myself in a plain where are poured upon us
Flagons of generosity on a day of play.

٤. خَفَضتُ بِساحَةٍ تَجري عَلَينا
أَباريقُ الكَرامَةِ يَومِ لَهوِ