
The mighty pillars of Layla's house did quake,

وكادت وبيت الله أطناب ثابت

1. The mighty pillars of Layla's house did quake,
As her elegies wept and the dirges shook.

١. وَكادَت وَبَيتِ اللَهِ أَطنابُ ثابِتٍ
تَقوَّضَ عَن لَيلى وَتَبكي النَوائِحُ

2. A young man wished for her, alas he met
But a boy, raised sheltered by modest maids.

٢. تَمَنّى فَتىً مِنّا فَلاقى وَلَم يَكَد
غُلاماً نَمَتهُ المُحصَناتُ الصَرائِحُ

3. A boy who came of age beyond fifteen years,
Yet below what brides do hope to wed.

٣. غُلامٌ نَما فَوقَ الخُماسِيِّ قَدرُهُ
وَدونَ الَّذي قَد تَرتَجيهِ النَواكِحُ

4. And if his soft hands did caress thy cheek,
They were nurtured thus, still tender and meek.

٤. فَإِن تَكُ نالَتهُ خَطاطِفُ كَفِّهِ
بِأَبيَضَ قَصّالٍ نَمى وَهوَ فادِحُ

5. For he had bound to one hand a toy,
Nursing in a dark heart wounds of the coy.

٥. فَقَد شَدَّ في إِحدى يَدَيهِ كِنانَةً
تَداوى لَها في أَسوَدِ القَلبِ قادِحُ