1. Have my afflictions deceived you, O son of wickedness,
On an evening when my misfortunes overwhelmed me,
١. أَغَرَّكَ مِنّي يا اِبنَ فَعلَةَ عِلَّتي
عَشِيَّةَ أَن رابَت عَلَيَّ رَوائِبي
2. And the fires of three misfortunes - the worst of them
Whose pain you have kindled, though you are not a comforter.
٢. وَمَوقِدِ نيرانِ ثَلاثٍ فَشَرُّها
وَأَلأَمُها أَوقَدتَها غَيرَ عازِبِ
3. You have robbed me of my weapon, miserable, and insulted me,
So excellent robber and evil despoiler.
٣. سَلَبتَ سِلاحي بائِساً وَشَتَمتَني
فَيا خَيرَ مَسلوبٍ وَيا شَرَّ سالِبِ
4. If I do not dye you in it, it is
The claws of a lion, more deadly than scorpions.
٤. فَإِن أَكُ لَم أَخضِبكَ فيها فَإِنَّها
نُيوبُ أَساويدٍ اشَولُ عَقارِبِ
5. O reddish-brown knee, O worst of knees
Almost the worst knee of any rider.
٥. وَيا رِكبَةَ الحَمراءِ يا شَرَّ رِكبَةٍ
وَكادَت تَكونُ شَرَّ رِكبَةِ راكِبِ