1. The women of Uzayy long for Thabit's return
As a captive though they know not my stratagem
١. تُرَجّي نِساءُ الأُزدِ طَلعَةَ ثابِتٍ
أَسيراً وَلَم يَدرينَ كَيفَ حَويلي
2. For I had charged the warriors, amidst the fugitive
Hunted down with blood pouring from his wounds
٢. فَإِنَّ الأُلى أَوصَيتُمُ بَينَ هارِبٍ
طَريدٍ وَمَسفوحِ الدِماءِ قَتيلِ
3. And I joined them until when their course was long
And my resting place grew too narrow for me
٣. وَخَدتُ بِهِم حَتّى إِذا طالَ وَخدُهُم
وَرابَ عَلَيهِم مَضجَعي وَمَقيلي
4. I prepared them rest until when their fears grew long
For rest, I beguiled them with my fine scheme
٤. مَهَدتُ لَهُم حَتّى إِذا طالَ رَوعُهُم
إِلى المَهدِ خاتَلتُ الضِيا بِخَتيلِ
5. When they felt drowsy, they came like
Lions that had just made a feast of prey
٥. فَلَمّا أَحَسّوا النَومَ جاؤوا كَأَنَّهُم
سِباعٌ أَضافَت هَجمَةً بِسَليلِ
6. So I collared Suwar ibn Amr ibn Malik
With the dark horsemen of the two armored regiments
٦. فَقَلَّدتُ سَوّارَ بنَ عَمرِ بنِ مالِكٍ
بِأَسمَرَ حَشرِ القُذَّتَينِ طَميلِ
7. And he fell as if the elephant had flung its collar
Upon him - a gallant man, brave of heart and decisive
٧. فَخَرَّ كَأَنَّ الفيلَ أَلقى جِرانَهُ
عَلَيهِ فَتاً شَهمُ الفُؤادِ أَسيلِ
8. And the echo of the blow from the barrier remained
Reverberating as if you had lashed a little camel
٨. وَظَلَّ دُعاعُ المَتنِ مِن وَقعِ حاجِزٍ
يَخِرُّ وَلَو نَهنَهتَ سَوقَ قَليلِ
9. I will act as my fathers did even if I were a neighbor
I would have come and not cared for the length of my journey
٩. لَأُبتُ كَما آبا وَلو كُنتُ قارِناً
لَجِئتُ وَما مالَكتُ طولَ ذَميلي
10. So it delighted you, your regret, when they followed in succession
That you did not return with the corpse of the slain
١٠. فَسَرَّكَ نَدماناكَ لَمّا تَتابَعا
وَأَنَّكَ لَم تَرجِع بِعَرضِ قَتيلِ
11. There shall come to Fahm stealthily won booty
And in Uzayy is the wailing of bereft women
١١. سَتَأتي إِلى فَحمِن غَنيمَةُ خُلسَةٍ
وَفي الأُزدِ نَوحُ خُلَّةٍ بِعَويلِ