1. I am inclined towards profuse praise, aiming it
At the son of the uncle of truthfulness, the sun of Malik's son,
١. إِنّي لَمُهدٍ مِن ثَناءِ فَقاصِدٌ
بِهِ لِاِبنِ عَمِّ الصِدقِ شَمسِ بنِ مالِكِ
2. I shake with it in the assembly of the living his compassion
As I shook my compassion with odes of palm trees.
٢. أَهُزُّ بِهِ في نَدوَةِ الحَيِّ عِطفَهُ
كَما هَزَّ عِطفي بِالهِجانِ الأَوارِكِ
3. Of gentle character, he shares provision evenly
Between himself and the wolf sharing with the participant.
٣. لَطيفُ الحَوايا يَقسِمُ الزادَ بَينَهِ
سَواءٌ وَبَينَ الذِئبِ قَسمَ المَشارِكِ
4. He who complains little of misfortune befalls him,
Abundant in love, diverse in determination and ways.
٤. قَليلُ التَشَكّي لِلمُهِمِّ يُصيبُهُ
كَثيرُ الهَوى شَتّى النَوى وَالمَسالِكِ
5. He spends the night in Mecca and wakes up somewhere else,
Racing the backs of vanishing realms.
٥. يَظَلُّ بِمَوماةٍ وَيُمسي بِغَيرِها
جَحيشاً وَيَعروري ظُهورَ المَهالِكِ
6. And he outruns the delegation of the wind from whence it originates
With burster from its intense overtaking.
٦. وَيَسبِقُ وَفدَ الريحِ مِن حَيثُ يَنتَحي
بِمُنخَرِقٍ مِن شَدِّهِ المُتَدارِكِ
7. When sleep's veil covers his eyes, his heart keeps
A burning coal from the passion of a piercing fate.
٧. إِذا خاطَ عَينَيهِ كَرى النَومِ لَم يَزَل
لَهُ كالِئٌ مِن قَلبِ شَيحانَ فاتِكِ
8. When the vanguards of foes appear, it incites him
To a bag of swords from the striking Western blades.
٨. إِذا طَلَعَت أَولى العَدِيِّ فَنَفرُهُ
إِلى سَلَّةٍ مِن صارِمِ الغَربِ باتِكِ
9. When it shakes him against a massive spear, the grinning
Jaws of deaths laugh, amused.
٩. إِذا هَزَّهُ في عَظمٍ قِرنٍ تَهَلَّلَت
نَواجِذُ أَفواهِ المَنايا الضَواحِكِ
10. He sees desolation as company, the inanimate as intimate, guided
By where the mother of stars took guidance, Pleiades.
١٠. يَرى الوَحشَةَ الأُنسَ الأَنيسَ وَيَهتَدي
بِحَيثُ اِهتَدَت أُمُّ النُجومِ الشَوابِكِ