
O fire that flared up, so I was gentle with its blaze,

يانار شبت فارتفقت لضوإها

1. O fire that flared up, so I was gentle with its blaze,
Grieving for the souls it consumed or the homes it demolished,

١. يانارُ شُبَّت فَاِرتَفَقتُ لِضَوإِها
بِالجَزعِ مِن أَفيادَ أَو مِن مَوعِلِ

2. Where understanding and innocence meet, all of them,
While time flows between them like a stream.

٢. حَيثُ اِلتَقَت فَهمٌ وَبَكرٌ كُلُّها
وَالدَهرُ يَجري بَينَهُم كَالجَدوَلِ

3. When rage intensifies and it ignites
Its fires for war - a hated fire - I do not falter.

٣. إِنّي إِذا حَمِيَ الوَطيسُ وَأَوقَدَت
نيرانَها لِلحَربِ نارُ كَريهَةٍ لَم أَنكُلِ