
Tell the tribe of Fahm son of Amr

ألا أبلغ بني فهم بن عمرو

1. Tell the tribe of Fahm son of Amr
Throughout the prolonged discourse and speech

١. أَلا أَبلِغ بَني فَهمِ بنِ عَمروٍ
عَلى طولِ التَنائي وَالمَقالَه

2. The words of the zealous priest when
He saw I had plundered his wealth

٢. مَقالَ الكاهِنِ الحامِيِّ لَمّا
رَأى وَقَد أَنهَبتُ مالَه

3. He saw my feet walking briskly
Like the melting of darkness, he called his cows

٣. رَأى قَدَمَيَّ وَقعُهُما حَثيثٌ
كَتَحليلِ الظَليمِ دَعا رِئالَه

4. He saw through them torment every year
For Khath'am, Bajilah or Thumalah

٤. رَأى بِهِما عَذاباً كُلَّ عامٍ
لِخَثعَمَ أَو بَجيلَةَ أَو ثُمالَه

5. Evil was poured upon Hudhayl
When their ropes were tied to his cows

٥. وَشَرٌّ كانَ صُبَّ عَلى هَذيلٍ
إِذا عَلِقَت حِبالُهُمُ حِبالَه

6. And the day of the Azd against them was the evilest day
When they went far, then I spoke the truth

٦. وَيَومُ الأَزدِ مِنهُم شَرُّ يَومِن
إِذا بَعُدوا فَقَد صَدَّقتُ قالَه