
Pour the drunkard some wine to relieve his drowsiness

انف بالخمر نعسة المخمور

1. Pour the drunkard some wine to relieve his drowsiness,
And serve our elder Yahya a full cup.

١. اِنفِ بِالخَمرِ نَعسَةَ المَخمورِ
وَاِسقِ يَحيى كَبيرنَا بِالكَبيرِ

2. Of necklaces that turn into rings of pearls
Set onto it elaborately with studs.

٢. مِن سُلاف تُديرُ طَوقاً مِنَ الدُّر
رِ عَلَيها مفَصَّلاً بِشُذورِ

3. She lived a full life while time was in its infancy,
I favoured her with righteousness and reverence.

٣. عَمَرَت وَالزَّمانُ في حِجرِ أم
فَضَّلتها بِالبِرِّ وَالتَّوقيرِ

4. The passing years assailed her with sorrows
Yet she retained little of the plentiful.

٤. فَدَّمتها المُرابِياتُ مِنَ الدَّه
رِ فَأَبقَت قَليلَة مِن كَثيرِ

5. I cannot sufficiently describe her,
Except to admit I fall short.

٥. لَستُ في وَصفِها بِبالِغِ شَيءٍ
غَيرَ أَنِّي أُقِرُّ بِالتَّقصيرِ

6. So when the cup arrives adorned
With aged wine and joy,

٦. فَإِذا الكَأسُ أَقبَلَت فَبِنَوعَي
نِ سُلافٍ مُعَتَّقٍ وَسُرورِ

7. The eye perceives the wine
While the inner eye sees this.

٧. غَيرَ أَنَّ السُّلافَ تُبصِرُهُ العَي
نُ وَهذا يُرى بِعَينِ الضَّميرِ