
He rode past us, his glance

راح علينا راكبا طرفه

1. He rode past us, his glance
roaming like a gazelle at ease.

١. راحَ عَلَينا راكِباً طِرفَهُ
أَغيدُ مِثلُ الرَّشَأ الآنِسِ

2. He wore a short coat of mail and grasped
his palms, as if from one well-versed in war.

٢. قَد لَبسَ القُرطَقَ وَاِستَمسَكَت
كَفّاهُ مِن ذي بَدَنٍ مائِسِ

3. He girded on his sword at his waist,
as if about to join the ranks at Dahis.

٣. وَقُلِّدَ السَّيفَ عَلى غُنجِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ في وَقعَةِ الدَّاحِسِ

4. When he appeared advancing, I said
“Would that I were the horse of that knight!”

٤. أَقولُ لَمّا أَن بَدا مُقبِلاً
يا لَيتَني فارِسُ ذا الفارِسِ