1. Abu Dahman is a sly old fox
In every refuge he has traps
١. أَبو دَهمانَ داهِيَةٌ نادُ
لَهُ في كُلِّ مُنتَجَعٍ مَصادُ
2. When he sings shaking his shoulders
Pleased with himself relaxing on pillows
٢. إِذا غَنّى وَهَزهَزَ مَنكِبَيهِ
وَأَعجَبَ وَاِطمَأَنَّ بِهِ الوسادُ
3. Speaking of Egypt and its people
And what the Nile has done for them
٣. وَساقَ حَديثُ مِصرَ وَساكِنَيها
وَما صَنَعَ الخَصيبُ وَما أفادوا
4. Saying I'm the son of donkeys that
Gave me their virtues, my uncles are goal-oriented
٤. وَقالَ أَنا اِبنُ حِميَرَ وَرَّثَتني
مَكارِمَها وَأَخوالي مُرادُ
5. He borrows your clothes out of their merit
But when unfolded the clothes are borrowed!
٥. دَعاكَ بِفَضلِ ثَوبِكَ مُستَعيراً
له فَإِذا انطَوى فَالثَّوبُ رادُ
6. Then denying, drunk, making excuses
Some words cannot be tamed
٦. وَأَنكَرَ بَعدُ مُعتَذِراً بسكرٍ
وَبَعضُ القَولِ لَيسَ لَهُ اِنقِيادُ
7. Why when drunk did you take my clothes
While your clothes, lesser quality, are intact
٧. فَما لَكَ إذ سكرتَ أَخَذتَ ثَوبي
وَثَوبُكَ دونَهُ الحَتفُ المُقادُ
8. He swore if you stole my daughter's staff
Old age would support it as a pillar
٨. فَأَقسَمَ لَو سَرَقتَ عصيَّ بِنتي
تَشَكّى الكبر فَهيَ لَهُ عِمادُ
9. The angels would intercede for you
With the worlds and the strict seven
٩. وَجاءَتكَ المَلائِكُ شافِعات
مَعَ الأَرضينَ وَالسَّبعُ الشِّدادُ
10. When he tried to appease, they refused angrily
And even sharp tongues would have skinned you
١٠. لَما اِستَعطَفت رَدَّهُم بغيظ
وَلَو سَلَقَتكَ أَلسِنَةٌ حِدادُ