1. I have not known an unjust man,
Nor one given to excess whom I did not avoid,
١. ظالِمٌ ما عَلِمتُه
مُعتَدٍ لا عَدِمتُه
2. Nor an ascetic to whom I did not attach myself
If he were neglectful of me or cast me off.
٢. زاهِدٌ إِن وَصَلتُه
غافِلٌ إِن صَرَمتُه
3. I watch my comrades with care,
And am wary of them from every side.
٣. مُرصَدٌ بِالخُلوفِ وَالمَن
عِ مِن حَيثُ رُمتُه
4. When a bosom friend deceived me,
I said, "I wronged him not."
٤. لامَني حينَ لُمتُه
ظَنَّ أَنّي ظَلَمتُه
5. Of him who ended matters between me and him
I said, "I have not failed him."
٥. قُلتُ لا عُدتُ هاك
هذا فَمن قَد خَتَمتُه
6. How many affairs I have concealed
Concerning myself, and many I have suppressed.
٦. كَم وَكَم قَد طَوَيتُ ما
بي وَكَم قَد كَتَمتُه
7. Let him say what he will, say on -
All of those, I have understood them.
٧. قالَ ما شاءَ فَليَقُل
كُلُّ ذا قَد فَهِمتُه
8. If he were to weep his lifetime for love of me
I would not have pity on him.
٨. لَو بَكى عُمرَهُ مِن الوَج
دِ ما إِن رَحمتُه
9. I said a thing made unlawful to me
Not mine is that made unlawful to me.
٩. قُلتُ شَيء حُرِمتُه
لَيسَ لي ما حُرِمتُه
10. How many griefs I have folded into myself
For you, and resentments suppressed,
١٠. رُبَّ هَمٍ طَوَيتُ في
كَ وَغَيظٍ كَظَمتُه
11. And troubles from misery - long lasting -
Borne, and pains mended.
١١. وَعَناءٍ مِنَ العَنا
ءِ طَويلٍ جَشَمتُه
12. And stations in passion - lasting -
١٢. وَأمورٍ خَضَعتُ في
ها وَضَيم رَمَمتُه
13. Yet I weary of my life
And my passion not weary of.
١٣. وَمَقامٍ عَلى الهَوا
نِ طَويلٍ أَقَمتُه
١٤. وَحَياتي سَئِمتُها
وَالهَوى ما سَئِمتُه