1. We have fulfilled the promise with success,
And we have come to you rushing.
١. شَفينا المَطلَ بِالنُّجحِ
وَجِئناكَ بِها رَكضا
2. Overflowing with fragrant musk,
When its seal was opened.
٢. كُميتاً تَنفَحُ المِسكَ
إِذا خاتَمُها فُضَّا
3. We do not seek anything in return,
Nor do we make it a debt.
٣. وَلا تَبغي بِها عَرضاً
وَلا تَجعَلُ بِها قَرضا
4. O Allah, except that
The debt be what You are pleased with.
٤. اللُّهُمَّ إِلَّا أَن
يَكونَ القرضُ ما تَرضى
5. For people, if they lent something good
In kindness have lessened it.
٥. فَإِنَّ النَّاسَ مَن صادَ
فَ شَيئاً طَيِّباً غَضَّا
6. Especially if it was something white they lent,
In purity they have reduced it.
٦. وَلا سِيَّما إِذا ما كا
نَ شَيئاً أَبيَضاً بَضَّا
7. And if You wish, gratitude from You
Is enough for the present reduced.
٧. وَإِن شِئتَ فَإِنَّ الشُّك
رَ مِنكَ الحاضِرَ الغَضَّا
8. Pleased with what did not become
A flood upon us from You, unrestrained.
٨. رِضىً ما لَم يَكُن سَيلاً
عَلَينا مِنكَ مُنقَضَّا
9. We cannot bear the matter
If You obligated us to pay it back.
٩. فَلا نَسطيعُ بِالأَمرِ
إِذا اِستَوجَبتَهُ نَهضا
10. And who can fulfill
Gratitude filling up the earth?
١٠. وَمَن يَسطيعُ أَن يجزِ
يَ شُكراً يَملأُ الأَرضا
11. But we have praised You
To fulfill the obligation.
١١. وَلكِنّا نَسخَناكَ
لِما نَقضي بِهِ الفَرضا
12. With the eye of generosity and overflowing,
Not with praise that pleases.
١٢. بِعَينِ البَذلِ وَالإِفضا
لِ بِالمَدحِ الَّذي يُرضى
13. So You may reward us for this, partially,
And for this, partially.
١٣. فَيجزيكَ بِذا بَعضاً
وَيَجزيكَ بِذا بَعضا
14. Otherwise, I fear debt will corrupt us
And not be paid off.
١٤. وَإِلَّا خِفتُ أَن يُفسِ
دُنا الدَّينُ فَلا يُقضى