
My secrets are revealed, no longer concealed

هب ما أكاتم قد علن

1. My secrets are revealed, no longer concealed
Spreading wide, no longer hidden

١. هَب ما أُكاتِمُ قَد عَلَن
وَبَدا فَشاعَ كَما اِستَكَن

2. Is there between this and that
Anything but death or sorrow?

٢. هَل بَين ذاكَ وَبَين ذا
إِلَّا المَماتُ أَوِ الحَزَن

3. Do not let my passion weary you
Be gentle with me, my love, and be kind

٣. لا تُضجِرَنَّكَ صَبوَتي
وَاِرفِق فديتُك بي وَلَن

4. For I have given you a place
In my heart that has no price

٤. فَلَقَد مَنَحتُكَ خُطَّةً
في القَلبِ لَيسَ لَها ثَمَن

5. As for me, to die yet not die lightly
So do not lose heart or faith

٥. أَمّا عَلَيَّ فَأَن أَمو
تَ وَلا أَهونُ فَلا تَهُن

6. Your love has seized my soul
And it speaks of you, though I resist

٦. جازَت هَواكَ جَوانِحي
فَنَطَقنَ فيكَ بِما أُجَن

7. O you whose beauty surpasses
And is envied even by beauty itself

٧. يا مَن مَحاسِنُ وَجهِهِ
تعدى وَيَحسدُهُ الحَسَن

8. Unless you see me speaking
Of this love until the end of time

٨. إِلَّا تَراني ناطِقاً
بِكَ في الهَوى أُخرى الزَّمَن

9. So protect me, my darling, from a passion
Deeper than the soul, lying in wait

٩. فَأجِر فَديتُكَ مِن هَوىً
دونَ الجَوانِحِ قَد كَمَن