
I used to cry over those of my ancestors who passed away

قد كنت أبكي على من فات من سلفي

1. I used to cry over those of my ancestors who passed away
And all my loved ones who are now scattered

١. قَد كُنتُ أَبكي عَلى مَن فاتَ مِن سَلَفي
وَأَهلُ وُدِّي جَميعاً غَيرُ أَشتاتِ

2. But today when we were separated from each other
I cried for those of loving friendship

٢. فَاليَومَ إِذ فَرَّقَت بَيني وَبَينَهُم
نَوىً بَكيتُ عَلى أَهلِ الموَدَّاتِ

3. What is the life of a man whose fate
Is divided between the living and the dead

٣. ماذا حَياةُ اِمرِئٍ أَضحَت مَنيتُهُ
مَقسومَةٌ بَينَ أَحياءٍ وَأَمواتِ