1. No mountain of Tay' is more impregnable
Than 'Ali, the polished sword blade of Allah.
١. ما جَبَلا طَيء بِأَمنَع مِن
زادِ عَليّ زَميلِ صِقلابِ
2. That man, if you want to break him
His eyes rain curses on you.
٢. ذاكَ اِمرُؤ إِن أَرَدتِ كِسرَتَهُ
جادَت لَنا عَينُهُ بِتَسيابِ
3. People are his friends. But if they mention no
Bread, they're no friends of his.
٣. النَّاسُ أَصحابُهُ فَإِن ذَكَروا ال
خُبزَ فَلَيسوا لَهُ بِأَصحابِ
4. Who buys meat, then puts it in the
Oven, gentleness is the door of doors,
٤. مَن يَشتَري اللَّحمَ ثُمَّ يُدخِلُهُ الت
تَنورَ وَالرِفقُ باب أَبوابِ
5. Until it's cooked to the point of breaking
Into juicy, congealed fatness,
٥. حَتّى إِذا بَلَّ حَرفَ كِسرَتِهِ
مِن دَسَمٍ جامِدٍ وَمُنسابِ
6. Disputes over the meat, so as to justify
Taking it back, satisfied with a whiff of aromas,
٦. خاصَمَ في اللَّحمِ كَي يَصِحَّ لَهُ الر
رَدّ قَنوعاً بِريح جَواذِبِ
7. In his villainy, that if people withhold
Anything, he twists his lip in estrangement.
٧. مِن لُؤمِهِ أَنَّهُ إِذا مَنَعَ النَّا
سُ لَوى شِدقَهُ بِإِغرابِ