1. I saw there's no wisdom for one whose care
Is with what doesn't concern when he's unaware.
١. إِنّي نَظَرتُ وَلا صَوابَ لِعاقِلٍ
فيما يَهُمُّ بِهِ إِذا لَم يَنظُرِ
2. Your book's script is so refined and fair,
While mine's not one that's so debonair.
٢. فَإِذا كِتابُكَ قَد تُخيِّر خَطُّهُ
وَإِذا كِتابي لَيسَ بِالمُتَخَيَّرِ
3. Your book has illustrations leaving no doubt
For any contemplator having second thought.
٣. وَإِذا رُسومٌ في كِتابِكَ لَم تَدَع
شَكّاً لِمُعتَنِف وَلا لِمُفَكِّرِ
4. Dots and shapes make clear like gashes scattered about
Between the lines guiding verbs raised up or down no doubt.
٤. نُقَطٌ وَأَشكالٌ تَبينُ كَأَنَّها
نَدبَ الخُدوشِ تَلوحُ بَينَ الأسطُرِ
5. Showing noun's case by state or object's role
And making clear what's far as what's extolled.
٥. تُنبيكَ عَن رَفعِ الكَلامِ وَخَفضِهِ
وَالنَّصب مِنهُ لِحالِهِ أَو مَصدَرِ
6. While my brother's book lacks all of these, I'm told,
A shame for seller and buyer, poor and old!
٦. وَتُريكَ ما يُعيا بِهِ فِبَعيدُهُ
كَقَريبه وَمُقَدَّم كَمُؤَخَّرِ
7. Take your brother's book, don't compete or compare,
Excuse yours, and leave it bare.
٧. وَإِذا كِتابُ أَخيكَ مِن ذا كُلِّه
عار فَبِئسَ لِبايِعٍ وَلِمُشتَري
8. Know you'll stay behind in your wisdom and care
Until you break, tear up and declare.
٨. فَاِقبِض كِتابَ أَخيكَ غَير مُنافِس
فيهِ وَخَلِّ لَهُ كِتابَكَ وَاِعذُرِ
9. I see you've barred hearing and sharing
What you partook in and tore the pairing!
٩. وَاِعلم بِأَنَّكَ لا تَزالُ مُؤَخّرا
مُستَأخِرا في العِلمِ ما لِم تَكسِرِ
١٠. إِنّي أَرى حَبسَ السَّماعِ عَلى الَّذي
شارَكتَهُ فيهِ وَكَسر الدَّفتَرِ