1. O you who dwell in my hopes and dreams
Yet truly dwell in a distant place
١. يا داني الدَّار في الأَماني
وَنازِعَ الدَّار في العِيانِ
2. Your memory comes, though you're far away
So you are far, yet you feel close to me
٢. ذِكراكَ دانِ وَأَنتَ نائي
فَأَنتَ نائي وَأَنتَ داني
3. Our souls are joined though bodies apart
You're like a star sparkling from afar
٣. نَفسُكَ موصولَةٌ بِنَفسي
وَأَنتَ كَالنَّجمِ مِن مَكاني
4. My thoughts of you are filled with wonder
Though words are lacking to express these thoughts
٤. لي فِكَرٌ فيكَ مُعجباتٌ
في اللَّفظِ صفرٌ مِنَ المَعاني
5. Each day my tongue voices yearning
For you, though our eyes never meet
٥. تَجري ضُروبٌ مِنَ التَّمَنِّي
في كُلِّ يَومٍ عَلى لِساني
6. My eyes dream they look on you
While you cannot see me from your place
٦. أَقولُ حَتّى كَأَنَّ عَيني
تَراكَ مِن حَيثُ لا تَراني
7. When drowned by my sins, I blame only
The times, not you, my guiding star
٧. إِذا رَكِبتَ الذُّنوب مِنِّي
رَدَدتُ لَومي عَلى الزَّمانِ