
Like an untamed she-camel released,

وصهباء كرخية عتقت

1. Like an untamed she-camel released,
It lingered long in the pots, aged.

١. وَصَهباءَ كَرخِيَّةٍ عُتِّقَت
فَطالَت بِها في الدِّنانِ الطِّيلْ

2. Nothing remains of it but its color,
And the lingering fragrance it never lost.

٢. فَلَم يَبقَ مِنها سِوى لَونِها
وَنَكهَةِ ريحٍ بِها لَم تَزَلْ

3. As if a phantom near its cup
Beats gently if gazed at not.

٣. كَأَنَّ خَيالاً لَدى كَأسِها
يَدُقُّ عَنِ الطَّرفِ ما لَم يَجُلْ

4. If it moves, you'd say a mirage slipped
Along the side of the cup, or less.

٤. فَإِن جالَ قُلتَ سَرابٌ جَرى
عَلى جانِبِ الكَأسَ لا بَل أَقَلْ

5. Named, yet in reality it has no existence
That points to it in certainty.

٥. تُسَمَّى وَلَيسَ لَها في اليَقي
نِ مَعنى وُجودٍ عَلَيها يَدُلْ

6. If not for its smell that indicates it,
It would be lost, but it refused to be lost.

٦. فَلَولا الدَّلالَةُ عَن ريحِها
لَضَلَّت وَلكِن أَبَت أَن تَضِلْ

7. You behold it in imagination, not with the eye,
And drink it through words, not through action.

٧. تَرى بِالتَّوَهُّمِ لا بِالعَيا
نِ وَتُشرَبُ بِالقَولِ لا بِالعَمَلْ

8. Smelling it was enough to intoxicate me,
And I was happy shedding the garments of ants.

٨. كَفاني مِن ذَوقِها شَمُّها
فَرحتُ أجرُّ ثِيابَ النَّمِلْ