1. His visit brought joy to our day,
Had fate allowed its completion,
١. وَزايرٍ طابَ لَنا يَومُهُ
لَو ساعَدَ الدَّهرُ بِإِتمامِهِ
2. What would we have seen of his writings,
And the lines he penned with his pen,
٢. ماذا لَقينا مِن دَواوينِهِ
وَخطّه فيها بِأَقلامِهِ
3. Our innermost secrets he knew, whether we joked,
Or drank from a filled cup,
٣. أسرّ ما كُنّا فَمن مازح
أَو شاربٍ قَد عَبَّ في جامِهِ
4. He left us with tearful eyes,
Shedding tears of sorrow,
٤. فارَقنا فَالعَينُ مَطروفَةٌ
بِواكِفِ الدَّمعِ وَسَجّامِهِ
5. He returned praising us generously,
Recalling his previous favors,
٥. وَعادَ بِالمَدحِ لَنا مُنعِماً
بِهِ إِلى سالِفِ إِنعامِهِ
6. We thank his words, though
A freeman is not praised for his flaws,
٦. نَشكُرُ ما قالَ عَلى أَنَّهُ
لا يُمدَحُ الحُرُّ بحَمَّامِهِ
7. Yet what use have I for them,
If I were part of his pillars,
٧. لكِن وَأَنّى لي بِها حاجَة
لَو كُنت فيهِ بَعض قوّامِهِ
8. I would erase them and draw near him,
Behind or before as he willed,
٨. أَمسَحُهُ فيها وَأَدنو لَهُ
مِن خَلفِهِ طوراً وَقدّامِهِ
9. I would make myself a shield for him,
And sell my faith for his faith,
٩. جَعَلتُ نَفسي جُنَّةً دونه
وَبِعتُ إِسلامي بِإِسلامِهِ
10. So whatever he drank became lawful,
And I was seized by his sins,
١٠. فَكانَ ما يَشرَبُ حِلاً لَهُ
وَصِرتُ مَأخوذاً بِآثامِهِ