
O heart, woe to you, why did you want

يا قلب ويحك لم ترد

1. O heart, woe to you, why did you want
The love of one who does not want you?

١. يا قَلبُ وَيحَكَ لم تُرِدْ
بِمَوَدَّةِ مَن لا يُريدُك

2. He floats and drowns in fantasies
And when you fall ill, he does not visit you

٢. يَزهو وَيغرقُ في القلى
وَإِذا مَرِضتَ فَلا يَعودُك

3. How long, until when
Will the madness of passion mislead you?

٣. حَتّى مَتى وَإِلى مَتى
غَيُّ الفُؤادِ لَهُ يَقودُك

4. His generosity has become for others
While for you, your generosity is his

٤. أَمسى لِغَيرِكَ جودُه
وَلَهُ وَما يَهواكَ جودُك

5. Let him float with his suspicions
Since the pillar of your being has touched his depths

٥. دَعْهُ يَعومُ بِظَنِّهِ
إِذ مَسَّ أَسفَلَهُ عَمودُك

6. If he has feared, he has lived
The fate in your home is your return

٦. إِن كانَ خافَ فَقَد أَقا
مَ قَضاءَهُ في البَيتِ عودُك

7. Kindle a fire upon him, and leave him
For soon your firewood will burn him

٧. أَوقَد عَلَيهِ وَخلِّهِ
فَلَسَوفَ يُحرِقُهُ وَقودُك

8. If not for my oath, I would have insulted him
And spread his disgrace in my ode

٨. لَولا اليَمينُ هَجَوته
وَأَشاعَ فَضحتَهُ قَصيدُك