
May God ward off from you the vicissitudes of time,

دفع الله عنك نايبة الدهر

1. May God ward off from you the vicissitudes of time,
And forbid that you should ever fall ill.

١. دَفَعَ اللَّهُ عَنكَ نايِبَةَ الدَّه
رِ وَحاشاكَ أَن تَكونَ عَليلا

2. I bear witness before God, I know nothing of deception from you
Nor have I found in you aught but good faith.

٢. أشهد اللَّه ما عَلِمتُ وَما ذا
كَ مِنَ الغَدرِ جائِزاً مَقبولا

3. And by my life, if I had known you closely
For a year, that would have seemed to me but brief.

٣. وَلَعَمري إِن لَو عَلِمتُ فَلازَمتَ
كَ حولاً لَكانَ عِندي قَليلا

4. I hope, though there was nothing worthy from me shown you,
That I may prove to be one who when professing loyalty

٤. إِنَّني أرتَجي وَإِن لَم يَكُن ما
كانَ مِمّا نَعِمت مِنّي جَميلا

5. Seeks no guarantor for it.
Then he shows no kindness until

٥. أَن أَكونَ الَّذي إِذا ضمنَ ال
إخلاص لَم يَلتَمِس عَلَيهِ كَفيلا

6. He has first exerted himself to the utmost.
So when he speaks his word is as he said,

٦. ثُمَّ لا يَبذُلُ المَوَدَّةِ حَتّى
يَجعَلِ الجهد قَبلها مَبذولا

7. Or far removed is he from saying what he does not do.
Make me then a way to cling to destiny,

٧. فَإِذا قالَ كانَ ما قالَ أَو كا
نَ بَعيداً مِن خلقهِ أَن يَقولا

8. If I find no way for myself.
For of old he was never generous or noble

٨. فَاِجعَلن لي إِلى التَّعَلُّقِ بِالقَد
رِ سَبيلا إِن لَم أَجد لي سَبيلا

9. Who grudged his friend or who was grudged by his friend.

٩. فَقَديماً ما جادَ بَالعَفوِ وَالفَض
لِ وَما سامَحَ الخَليلُ الخَليلا