1. I ransom you, I have refrained from reproach
When I was wary of an evil response
١. فَدَيتُكِ قَد كَفَفتُ عَنِ العِتابِ
لما حاذَرتُ مِن سوءِ الجَوابِ
2. And I saw no stratagem that could benefit
With you except my patience and reckoning
٢. وَلَم أَرَ حيلَةً تُجدي لِنَفعٍ
لَدَيكُم غَيرَ صَبري وَاِحتِسابي
3. And I made wishes regarding you until
It was as if I possessed you in my thoughts
٣. وَأَعمَلتُ الأَماني فيكِ حَتَّى
كَأَنِّي قَد مَلَكتُكِ في الحِسابِ
4. I chide in passion and lessen my torment
For one I love too noble for reproach
٤. أُعاتَبُ في الهَوى وَأَقَلُّ وَجدي
بِمَن أَهوى يَجل عَنِ العِتابِ